Another love -pt 2-

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( snape ) 📜🖤 -another love pt 2-
- diana1x6 ❤️

Christmas Day

I woke up, not wanting to do anything.
I laid down in bed all morning to anxious to go out but mostly to heartbroken.

I eventually got up though, following my usual routine of showering, brushing teeth and eating.
With no real plans for Christmas, I ended up going back to bed, putting my sleep wear on.

I was so tired, not so much physically as emotionally. I didn't have motivation to do anything.

I felt like a part of me was missing.

All this because I got rejected?

I knew it was going to happen. I expect it, but actually having to hear it come from snape's mouth was different.

Knowing that he had loved someone. That he had only ever loved someone. Truly, really loved her. Knowing that he wouldn't feel that towards me ripped my spirit to pieces.

I wasn't upset that he had loved her, no. I was upset that he still loved her even after she had rejected him. Even after she died. He still thought so highly of her.

Of course, we don't get to choose who we love and how we feel.

Still moping in my bedsheets and my head buried in my blankets wanting to escape reality, there was a knock at my door.

Thinking it must've been Severus, I stayed in bed not getting up or saying anything. Maybe he would think I'm asleep and leave. He probably would've if it wasn't already the late in the afternoon.

In all honesty I didn't want to avoid him but I knew that was the only way to keep me from getting even more hurt.

Another knock at the door came.

I sighed before I got out of bed.
I opened the door to reveal Dumbledore instead of snape like I had originally thought.

"Professor.. can I help you?"

I opened the door a bit wider welcoming him inside.

"I came to check on you. You haven't been out of your chambers all day"

We sat on the couch and engaged in conversation.

"I'm fine. I just don't feel very well."

Though it wasn't the whole truth, I wasn't lying. I just didn't describe in what way. I trusted him, I just didn't want to talk about what was going on.

"You know, Severus told me what happened"

My head shot up and I looked at him.

"He did?" I responded confused.

"He did. I know this must be hard on you and I understand you want to be left alone, but I don't think ignoring the situation is going to make the problem go away, y/n"

"I'm not ignoring the problem sir. I just need some time for myself. I would much rather handle this alone."

I tried to hold my feelings inside but I knew he already knew how I felt. It was obvious to anyone who would see me that I had been crying for a while.

"I know you're taking this very hard, and you don't want to feel this. But I think you should also know that Severus isn't handling this very lightly either"

"What do you mean?" I replied puzzled by his statement.

"Since this morning he's been looking upset. More than usual I should mention. He misses you, y/n. He doesn't want to admit it but I can see it. Everyone can -"

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