love pills

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( snape ) 📜🖤

"Fuck you Fred"
Y/n hissed at the ginger headed boy.

Fred and George Weasley always enjoyed pulling all sorts of pranks on y/n, but they had taken this one a bit too far.
Fred had come up with the idea to put a viagra in y/n's juice during lunch.

She started to feel the wetness in between her legs, basically soaking her underwear, and she had the urge to grind up against something or someone to stimulate her aching pussy.
She was confused as to why she was feeling such way. The only time she ever felt this way was with Severus, being that the two had sex almost all the time. But she was at lunch. Nothing triggered this behavior. But she didn't know Fred has spiked her juice with the pills to make her unbelievably horny.

Fred and George noticed y/n move around and feel uncomfortable with her horniness as her hormones began to act up.

The two tried to contained their laughter.

"What. What're you two laughing at?"
Y/n snapped as she become irritated with her body for making her feel such way.

"Nothing, nothing." Said Fred trying to keep his composure and not burst out into laughter.

Y/n knew something was up. She didn't trust Fred and George when they become jittery like this.

"What did you two do." She asked impatiently.

"We didn't do anything! Honestly.."


"We put viagra into your juice when you weren't looking.." George admitted.

"You did what?!" Y/n said angrily

"It was his idea y/n, I tried to stop him but he just wouldn't listen!" Said George.

"God I - I can't believe you two! We're in SCHOOL, in PUBLIC! Where the hell did you even get viagra from?!"

"We have our ways" smirked Fred.

But y/n was furious.

"Honestly it's unbelievable you thought this was even appropriate to do! What did you expect? That I'd come running to you, begging you to fuck me?!"
Y/n said angrily to Fred.

"C'mom y/n, look I'm sorry it was just a joke-"

"A joke?! This isn't a joke!! It's cruel. You don't know the TORTURE that this is."
And with that she got away from him and practical ran all the way to the potions classroom, hoping Snape would have a few moments to help her release. Every step making her feel more wetter, if it was even possible, thinking of all the ways Snape had made her cum before and the things to could do to her now.

She had finally reached the room and  bursted through the door without knocking. Closing and locking the door behind her, she casted a silencing spell on the room and made her way over to Snape who was sitting at his desk and looked at her slightly confused.

She sat down on his lap rather harshly and before he could even speak, she crashed her lips with his, immediately shoving her tongue past his lips and wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him in closer.

Y/n tried to make out with him, but Severus pulled away and looked at her with a confused gaze.

"Y/n, I'm a bit busy at the moment and I have a class coming in a few minutes."
He said digging his fingers into her hips.

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