color -pt 1-

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( snape ) 📜🖤 .  Color pt 1   .
Y'all seen those tik tok videos where it's like "you see color when you meet your soulmate" ?
Yes well this is inspired by a snape one I saw.

Y/n walked into the entrance halls searching for someone to help.
She had recently transferred from schools and it was all new to her being that she had never been in Hogwarts before. She though it a bit pointless really, transferring schools in her 6th year but here she was.
The world around her was grey. Nothing but dull and boring. She hoped she would find her soulmate here and maybe finally see the true beauty and colors of the world.
After a couple of seconds of aimlessly wandering around, she heard someone close by.

"Lost are ya sweetheart?"
A see-through figure appeared before y/n as it looked at her with a mischievous smirk on his smug face.
A ghost.

"Um.. a little.. I don't really know where to go."

"Well.. have fun figuring it out!" A loud cackle came out of his mouth as y/n stood bewildered and a bit frightened by him.

"Oh peeves! Leave the poor girl alone ye ol' jokester you."
A very tall man with long dark hair and a long dark beard came in.

"You must be y/n! Sorry I'm a bit late , fergot I ad' to fetch ye up!."

He said with a nervous tone and small smile.

"I'm Hagrid. I'm the gameskeeper here at Hogwarts."

"Hi Hagrid" was all she managed to say, feeling nervous herself.

"You ought to take old y/n to the great hall, before she runs outta here with a big old panic attack." Said peeves smirking, seeing the anxiety in y/n build up."

" Oh hush peeves! You get on oughta here."

Peeves left laughing until he was out of sight and ear range to be heard.

"Don't take it personal, he's always like that with everyone."
Said Hagrid to y/n reassuringly.

She shot him a nervous smile.
"I'm just scared. It's um, kinda hard for me to be around people I don't know.

"Don't worry 'bout it. Hogwarts is the finest school with loads of good people. I'm sure you'll fit righ' in."

They began to walk and Hagrid decided to make small talk with y/n.

"Forgive me if I'm steppin' out of line here y/n but, do you see color?"

"No.. not yet." She said disappointed
"Do you?"

"Unfortunately no. And I'm starting to think I never will"
Said Hagrid.
Y/n could see the disappointment and hurt in his face and even though she had only just met him a couple of minutes ago, her heart aches for him, knowing what he must be feeling, as she had felt the same thing everyday. The feeling of being alone without your soulmate in a colorless world.

"I know it might seem that way, but you should never doubt what you don't know.."she told him, hoping that was a good enough response to make him happy.

Hagrid smiled at y/n.
"Ya know, I've got a good feelin' 'bout you, y/n"

Y/n smiled back and thanked him.

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