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( p.l ) ⭐️
-a/n : Stella isn't p.l's daughter in this cause that's just fucking weird and gross (and she's 18)😭- <she's just mentioned in the story and not actually in it.>

P.l and y/n were roommates for a while. They got along just perfectly and cared for one another very deeply.

There was never really any problems between the two and they both laughed with each other everyday.

But lately, y/n hadn't been her usual funny goofy laughing self and p.l had noticed. He tried multiple times to ask her what was wrong and if he did anything to upset her or if something bad had happened but y/n's answer was always the same.

"I'm fine p.l ... just a bit tired"

But p.l decided enough was enough and  he was going to get an honest answer out of y/n tonight.

He knocked on her bedroom door and entered at her response.

Y/n had stayed in her room all day after work that day and p.l hated it.
He loved being around y/n. Not seeing her or hanging out with her like they used to broke his heart.

P.l had been in love with y/n for months. Basically since y/n had first moved in with him. She was everything he ever wanted in a partner.
Beautiful, caring, humorous, humble. He could go on and on.

What p.l didn't know was that y/n felt exactly the same way. She felt like p.l really accepted her for who she was.
Y/n was always insecure about herself and this was something p.l was well aware about. He did everything he could to make y/n happy and comfortable with herself and slowly over time it worked. But I'm the past couple of days p.l had seen y/n the saddest she had ever been.

Upon entering the room he saw y/n sitting in her bed, looking sad.

"What is it p.l ?"

She asked, not really showing any other emotion.

" 'What is it?' What do you mean 'what is it'? You haven't been out of your bedroom all day y/n. I'm worried about you.. you aren't yourself. You haven't been yourself for days"

"P.l I'm fine I'm just-"

"Just tired.. that's all you say now and I know it's not true y/n. I miss you. I miss being with you. Don't you see how much this is hurting me seeing you like this?"

"Well I'm sorry I'm not enough for you p.l but-" he interrupted her again..

"You are enough for me y/n ! I want to help you I really do but when you push me away and lie to me and lock yourself in your room all day leaving me alone I feel like you don't like me anymore. We used to be so close.. I miss that."

Y/n didn't say anything. Instead she dropped her head and silently cried, tears streaming down her face hitting the sheets and covers on her bed.

"Please just tell me what's wrong y/n.." P.l now sat down next to her on the bed, placing his hand on top of hers"

"I- I don't.. p.l" he voice began to crack and she broke down in tears.

P.l pulled her into a hug, her head rested on his chest.

"Shhh.. it's okay.. it's okay y/n I'm here. I'll always be right here."

It hurt him deeply to see the woman he love cry. To see her in so much pain like she had been in the past days.

"P.l ... I love you"

"I love you too y/n"

"No.. no I mean I love you love you.. more than a friend, more than a roommate.."

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