i miss my lover -pt 2-

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( snape ) 📜🖤
- i miss my lover pt 2-

It's been a couple of days since the incident between Severus and y/n.
She was away on her Christmas break with her aunt.
She preferred to stay with her rather than any of her other family simply because her aunt understood her better.

She's given it much thought and decided that maybe she should give him another chance.
Severus had made her happy and bubble with excitement but she was afraid to get hurt. Who's to say he wouldn't hurt her again or leave her...

Then, she heard a tapping noise coming from her window. She turned to see what it was and saw an owl with an envelope in its beak.

She went to open it carefully, the wind lightly slapping her across her cheek as the cold weather was still upon them.

Y/n had let the owl come in and rest for a little, knowing that cold must've effected him a bit.

Carefully removing the maroon wax seal from the parchment to reveal a letter.

A letter from Severus.

   I know you are currently on your Christmas break and I'm sorry to disturb you, I know you would want some time away from me after what I've done to you but I needed to tell you something that's been on my mind lately. I'm uncertain if you would even read this but if you need I just need you to know that I care for you very deeply, y/n. Before you came into my life I was alone. I had no one that even gave me a thought or cared of me. You were the first student who ever really cared for me y/n.
You're warm smile and contagious laugh brings me joy every time. I can't began to describe to you how much I think of you everyday even if I'm not suppose to. You showed me kindness, something I've never had in my life and that kindness opened my heart and let you in.
I hope that one day you can forgive me for all the hurt I've caused you.
                                 - S. Snape
Y/n felt her eyes tear up and her vision blur up a bit from her tears.

Her heart swell from the note.
She gathered some paper and ink and began to write.

            I received your letter today and I of course I forgive you. I care you you too, very much. I think about you everyday. You've become a very important person in my life. You make me smile, you bring my joy and I love to be around you. Maybe I do have some feelings for Neville, but my feelings for you are stronger. . I want to be with you. More than anything. I promise to be more considerate of your feelings. I never want to make you feel any less important to me than what you really are.
- y/n

She sent the letter back with the owl.
Hoping Snape still felt the way he did when he wrote the letter.

It was now time for y/n to go back to Hogwarts.
She went onto on the train and found an empty booth. Empty except for one person. Neville.

Y/n knew she had to tell him that things wouldn't work out between them but it broke her heart how he would react. He was such a kind person. She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to play with his feelings or lead him on either. She knew it was the right thing to tell him.

Neville waved at y/n with a bright smile which made her feel all the more guilty about telling him.

"Hello y/n ! How was your holiday?" His sweet voice lingered in the air.

"H-hello Neville. It was great. How was yours ?" Feeling nervous but trying to keep calm she listened to all he had to say before finally speaking up.

"Neville.. I care for you a lot. And I've loved all the time I've spent with you, and I hope we're still able to spend time together after this, but I understand if you don't..
I have feelings.. for someone else Neville. I have to be honest with you.
I do like you but I like them even more.
I'm really sorry, I never meant to hurt you."

He looked like a sad puppy after being yelled at. Y/n felt awful but it had to be done.

"I-it's okay. Um.. thanks for telling me the truth. I hope you're happy with them and they treat you right."

"I'm really sorry.."
she hugged him right for a moment and pulled away.

There was pain yes, but later on in the year Neville would fall in love with a girl named Luna Lovegood and she would fall back. It all worked out for them.

After getting off the train y/n went around looking for Snape, not trying to get caught by any of the other teachers.

"Ms. Y/n.."

She heard a voice from a few feet away behind her and turned around quickly being met with Severus.

Y/n ran to him, her footsteps hitting the floor hard, and she jumped into Snapes arms embracing him in a loving hug, to which he returned.

She looked at him and kissed him.
They shared a love filled passionate kiss like never before.

"I received your letter.." he said

"I told Neville it wouldn't work out with us.. I told him I had feelings for someone else. An amazing, loving, tall someone" she giggled at the last part and quickly pecked her lips with his.

"I'm not tall. You're just short"

"No I'm not."

She slapped his shoulder and they both laughed kissing again.

"You should get to the Great Hall before someone notices were both missing. Wouldn't want our relationship to end so soon, we wouldn't"

"No, we wouldn't"

They held hands before leaving to the great hall. Snape went in a couple of minutes before her so it wouldn't look suspicious.

They're relationship continued without anyone finding out.

Sorry this took so long.
Also, thinking about starting a short story with Sheriff of Nottingham ..😗😗

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