no one else but him

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( sinclair ) ☀️ 🌸

sad-ish chapter cause I'm a sad bitch having a sad bitch day✌️
Y/n walked into Sinclair's room with tears of anger streaming down her face.

She'd been with Sinclair for almost five months.
He'd met her after he divorced his wife.
She met him after letting go of her long term boyfriend.

Slowly the two started to fall more and more for each other until they made it official.

Y/n still loved with her parents. She'd been saving enough money to move out since high school. She hated being at the house with her parents and family.

Always feeling like she wasn't good enough and constantly being put down by them. All the years of being yelled at and talked about.

No one in her family understood her or even tried to. Y/n felt bad for feeling like this, she'd always blame herself for everything whenever they scolded her. She'd always told herself she was the one who was in the wrong and needed to do better. Always apologizing for things that weren't even her fault. She'd hated herself for so long because they made her hate herself.

The only time she ever felt really truly happy and accepted was when she was with Sinclair. There weren't enough hours in the day to spend with him.
She loved spending time with him, but whenever she had to leave and go home she would go home to her parents usually telling her that she needs to become better and forget about Sinclair.

Telling y/n that the relationship wouldn't last and he was only using her. That he wasn't the ideal person for her.

How she hated everything they said about him.

Sinclair was the one person she loved most in the world. Whenever she had to leave him after an amazing day together she felt sad and anxious.

She didn't like going home.
She never felt good enough.
Sometimes she didn't even feel good enough to be with Sinclair.

She always pointed out her flaws and beat herself up. Even crying herself to sleep at nights.

This time her and her parents had gotten into an argument that felt her in tears. Tears of anger and embarrassment.

Screaming at her about how she was ungrateful and didn't do anything right. Calling her stupid. How she spends to much time with Sinclair instead of with her own family.

She stormed out and went to the only place she had left.

Sinclair's house.

Sinclair had given her a key to his house they're third month of dating so she can come and go as she pleases.

She figured out he was in the shower in the bathroom that was in his bedroom at the slightly open bathroom door and the sound of shower on.

She went into his bedroom and sat on the bed. Crying.

All the words her parents had said to hear just repeating in her head.

She cried harder than she intended.

Sinclair had heard her cries from the bathroom and grew concerned as any loving significant other would at their loved one crying.

He got out and quickly pulled on his shirt and boxers basically running out of the room to find a crying y/n laying on his bed.

"Y/n.. sweetheart what happened?"

He sat next to her, pulling her into him so her head was on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her forehead.

"I got into a stupid fight with my parents"

"Again? What happened this time?"

"It's- its stupid. Sinclair I hate it over there. I can't stand them. I can't ever do anything right. It's always my fault, I'm always doing something wrong.
Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid stupid-"

"Y/n stop it, stood that ! You're not stupid, you're amazing. If your parents are to blind to see that it's they're loss-"

"Sinclair I can't stand them. They.. they talk about you. I hate it when they do that. You mean so much to me. You mean more to me than they ever will. To have them take away the one person that makes me the happiest I've been in- probably all my life- just like they took away everything else hurts.
I constantly feel like I'm a failure. I can't walk into a room without feeling like I'm going to get yelled out. It's embarrassing."

Y/n broke down crying. She felt humiliated telling this to Sinclair. A 23 year old women living with her parents and getting yelled at and scolded by them. She was afraid one day Sinclair would leave her.

"I love you, y/n. They won't take me away. I'm standing by you."

"I love you too Sinclair."

They held each other and y/n cried into his arms. He slowly rocked them back and forth and rubbed her back while kissing the top of her forehead in efforts to calm her.

Sinclair knew y/n suffered with depression in the past. He knew that she has anxiety on the daily and panic attacks here and there.
He tried his hardest to make her feel safe and loved. He wanted to do everything he could for y/n.
She's special. She means the world to him.

"You know, darling, I've been thinking for a while.. seeing you everyday is .. magnificent and I love being with you. Every time you have to leave me to go to your parents house it hurts me because I know you're not happy there.. and I know you'd rather be with me just like I want to be with you. It's lonely here, all by myself."

Y/n raised her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. She had an idea of where the conversation was heading

"I want you to move in with me y/n. I love you and I want you here with me.. always"

Y/b felt her heart swell with excitement and happiness. She'd always dreamed about living with Sinclair one day.
She'd fantasize about living somewhere with a lot of trees and a garden filled with flowers, and a little black cat.

But for now, this would do. No matter where they lived as long as Sinclair was with her, she didn't care where they lived.

"You'd... you'd really want to live with me?"

"Of course I would y/n. I love you. I want to be with you everyday. Just us. Forever." He held out his pinky and she held out hers. Making a pinky promise.

"I love you Sinclair. So much." She kissed him and he kissed back.

"I love you more ms Bryant" he giggled and she did as well.

Sinclair loved his last night on her.
He'd promise one day to give it to her.

But for now, living together was a dream come true for them.
Working on a sheriff x reader chapter too 💕

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