loving two people -pt 1-

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( snape ) 📜🖤 - loving two people
- part 1 -
Hey y'all so this talks a lot about Neville because it's a love triangle between Neville and Snape. I know it's weird but I love them both, and this came to me in a dream a couple weeks ago and I really wanna write it down.

"It's okay Neville.. she doesn't deserve you." I held onto his hand as his tears fell down his face. He was so sweet and innocent.

"She doesn't want me y/n. I should've known. No one would want to be with me." His girlfriend, a hufflepuff girl, had broken up with him and left him for someone else. Hearing his small sobs as he pointed out all of his flaws and talked down to himself broke my heart.

"Neville please.. don't say that about yourself. Just because she doesn't want to be with you, doesn't mean there isn't someone else who does."
I tried to encourage him and cheer him up but when someone goes through a heart break, there's really no cheering them up.

"No y/n.. no one wants to be with me. I just.. I thought maybe there was someone who finally wanted to be with me, someone who cared for me, I thought I could finally have something special with someone."

I placed my hand on his cheek to make him look at me.
"I don't matter to anyone y/n"

"Neville please-"

"I'm tired of being alone"

"Neville!" I exclaimed, looking him dead in the eyes. I now had both of my hands on the side of his face, my thumbs stroking his cheeks slightly and gently.

"I know it hurts. I know how you're feeling and I know it's hard but.. but don't say that. Don't say any of those things to yourself because you do matter.. you matter to me."

His face soften, as did mine.
"Neville.. ever since our first conversation, you've always mattered. You are one of the only people I truly care about. Your smile, your laugh, the way you light up when you're happy, the way your eyes light up when you talk about plants and herbology.. I love it.. because it shows who you are. You are the most precious person to me.. you're my best friend. You'll always matter to me Neville."

I wiped his tears away. I softly smiled and moved one of my hands back down to his hand.

"You really mean it y/n.."

My soft smile grew into a wide and loving one. "Of course I do." There was a brief comfortable silence.
"If she doesn't want you.. it shouldn't matter.. because I do"

"Y/n.. I .. I was only with Hannah because I thought maybe she could help me get over someone. And for a while I thought she did. I thought maybe I could've even loved her. I think that's what hurt the most. I thought maybe.. maybe she loved me back. Clearly I was wrong."

And just like that.. I took my chance.

"If she didn't love you.. that's her loss because.. because I love you  Neville."
I held his face in my hands again and leaned in.

The kissed for about 10 seconds before we both pulled away.

"I don't know if you feel the same but.. I love you. I have for some time."

He stared shocked, not knowing what to say, or rather, having trouble figuring out how he wanted to say it.
"Y/n I- of course I love you. I was trying to get over you. You've always been so nice to me. You always stand up for me when someone makes fun of me or gives me a hard time. You're always there for me."

I kissed him again and pulled him in for hug, tightly holding onto him.

And although I knew I loved Neville Longbottom there was someone else that came to my mind.. someone who I also felt very strongly for.
... Snape

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