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Start from the beginning

The next morning, Ariana woke up, careful not to disturb Jungkook's peaceful slumber. She had made a decision, a decision she couldn't put off any longer.

Without telling anyone, not her father, not her brother, she made her way to the police station. She had to face the consequences of her actions, no matter how daunting they may be. She needed to cooperate with the investigation to ensure that justice was served.

Ariana stood before the imposing doors of the police station. Her heart raced, but her determination had never been stronger. She felt the weight of the truth she was about to reveal. Ariana knew that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't yet imagine, but she also knew that it was a necessary step in her journey towards healing and closure. She knew she needed to face the consequences of her actions and help bring justice to a situation that had haunted her for so long.

With each step she took, she felt a growing sense of empowerment. Ariana was determined to confront her past, the dark memories that had haunted her for years, and to ensure that no one else would suffer as she had.

As she entered the station, a feeling of uncertainty washed over her, but she was met by a sympathetic officer who guided her toward the investigator assigned to her case. The investigator, Detective Miller, was a seasoned professional with a reputation for sensitivity and understanding.

"Ms. Jonas, I'm Detective Miller," he said, extending a hand to Ariana. "Thank you for coming forward. We're here to support you in any way we can."

Ariana took his hand and nodded. "I need to confess something that happened two nights ago. It's been haunting me for years."

Detective Miller led her into a private interview room, assuring her that their conversation would be kept confidential. "You can speak freely here, Ms. Jonas. Take your time."

With a deep breath, Ariana began to recount the events of that night, her voice unwavering as she detailed the assault and her desperate act of self-defense. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she pressed on. "I was terrified, Detective. I did what I had to do to protect myself."

Detective Miller listened carefully, taking notes, and asking relevant questions to ensure a complete understanding of the situation. "Thank you for sharing your story, Ms. Jonas. I can see that this has been a heavy burden on you."

Ariana nodded, her shoulders finally feeling a bit lighter with her confession. "I'm ready to cooperate fully with the investigation and face whatever legal consequences there might be. But I'm scared. What can you do to protect my identity?"

Detective Miller leaned forward, his expression reassuring. "We understand your concerns. We can enter into a non-disclosure agreement to protect your identity. We'll use a pseudonym in any public records and do our best to safeguard your privacy throughout the investigation."

Ariana felt a rush of gratitude for the understanding and support she was receiving from the department. "Thank you, Detective. I appreciate your help and the respect you've shown me."

Detective Miller smiled gently. "You're doing the right thing by coming forward, and we'll do everything we can to ensure a fair and thorough investigation. You're not alone in this, Ms. Jonas."

Ariana sat across from the investigator in a dimly lit room at the police station. She took a deep breath before speaking. "I need you to understand why I didn't come forward four years ago."

The investigator nodded, showing empathy in his eyes. "I'm here to listen, Ariana. Please, tell me."

Ariana continued, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and pain. "I didn't report it then because I didn't trust the police. Despite my high social status in the economy, they turned their backs on me. I felt alone, like I had no support. And so, I chose to keep silent, thinking I could handle it on my own."

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