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Happy reading cubbies ❣️

" H-hyung?"

Taehyung whispered, pretty almond eyes twinkling with tears , his mind hazy....full of doubts,

He stepped back abruptly , getting away from the most alluring arms... making as much distance as he could make at the moment.

" Are you seri-ously real?"

He wished , desperately wished to have a negative answer, Although he was crying continuously for his love for past few weeks but ,

Still he wasn't ready to face his husband.

Doesn't want to face him , as he knows very well that the only thing he will be doing after meeting his Hyung , is to make his own life more tough...full of longings and fasle assumptions.

Assumptions of having a chance with his Hyung.

A life with him.

But contrary to his this chance, that life isn't what jungkook deserve. Jungkook deserves every happiness of this world, but he couldn't give that happiness, he could only give him pain.

He , himself at this point,wasn't sure about what he actually wants.

At one side he was craving to have his Hyung closer to him, but on the other side he was dieing to find a place where there is no sigh of his husband.

A place where he could worship his lover with his love , without any boundaries....and expectations... expectations of his love and feelings being recognised and reciprocated.

" Why are you always crying?" Jungkook stated, voice still blank and little hard, completely ignoring the previous question that was being asked to him.... making the man standing accross him gulp the invisibile lump down his throat.

Jungkook approached him with slow yet firm steps... making Taehyung a bit breathless, which he always get whenever he is close to him.

" Hy-ung , you shouldn't be here?" Taehyung whispered , yet again....sad and moist eyes begging to be left alone.

" Alright then....Where am I suppose to be?" He questioned.... seriousness dripping from each word that left his mouth... while his hands found their place on the soft , pale and wet cheeks of his partner.

" Wh-at?" Taehyung asked shivering, even with the slightest touch of his muse.

" Because as per to me, This is my destinated place . This is my House...a place where my home resides. " He declared, backing away to give some time and space to the trembling being.

Confusion.... Confusion overboard the entire self of taehyung.

Jungkook was messing with his mind . It was becoming difficult for him to interpret any meaning out of the statements made by Jungkook.

Because his heart was interpreting things.. in more of a dreamy way , while his mind was being cruel interpreting the things in the most hurtful ways possible.

He closed his eyes to get rid of all the gathered tears when it became hard for him to have a clear vision of his Hyung.

" Pl-please Hyung don't make it difficult...f-for me... And -"

"Taehyung" .

Jungkook cut him off in the middle to make something clear, him... which he should have done long ago,

" It's You...who made things difficult for yourself. "

Taehyung was stunned , the rude tone and harsh words of Jungkook, pierced the already wounded heart of more hurting way.

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