Bohim Pov

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Happy reading purples 💜

1 September, 1997..

The date.... The day , when the Jeon's had their heir.... Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook was born after years of prayers and wait... Wait endured by Jeon Jungmin and Jeon Taehee. He was born  almost seven years later... Later to the marriage of the Jeon couple.

It was a day of bliss.... A day of joy for them... For every Jeon when they heard the first cry of their precious son.

The parents of the baby were beyond happy... Their  joy seemed no boundaries that day.

It was like having the most preserved treasure of the world.... They felt honoured to have him...To have Their baby.


The name 'Jungkook' was given to the baby by his grandfather... Which roughly means 'Pillar of the nation'. His grandfather was sure... Sure about all the good deeds the baby would be doing not for himself only... But for the nation at whole. He had great expectations on the baby...

The Jeon couple wasn't much affected that day...affected by the expectations... They were just simply contented... Contented to have the missing part of their life in their arms... Safe and secure.

They vowed that day... Vowed not to put the burden of these expectations or of any other expectation on the fragile shoulders of their baby... They promised to protect him from everyone... From every evil.

It could have been great if they would have decided to protect him... From themselves also...

Things wouldn't have distorted the worst way... that did after the end of this beautiful time.

Maybe then The bubbly boy might have not turned into The cold jungkook , he was in the present.

The Jeon couple did...did the exact same thing they had promised to do.. they protected their son...they shielded him from everyone... From every single person ..who tried to harm him... Tried to raise their fingers on him..on his abilities.

They did their best in dodging ..when it come to others...but failed...when they their vary own protective hands , started to harm him... they did what they were suppose protect him from.

Everything was so good and their life..untill they destroyed it all with their own actions.

Their happy family..become a perfect family... perfect family for pictures.

Picture having the great CEO of  his time, Jeon Jungmin...With a dutiful Doctor by his side as his life partner,Jeon Taehee...and last but not the least the most successful and famous bachelor CEO of the South Korea, Jeon jungkook , in it.

It was perfect ...perfect for other people to get envy, only if they know the truth.They were... what they were  assumed to be become The Jeon become Successful... with every man and woman being submissive in front of them..,with every kind of success and prosperity lying under their feets.

With the gain of this perfection in each aspect their happiness shatter away.. everyone was perfect , but no one was happy.

It all started when the jeon couple started to see the heir of the jeon corporation in their little child, jungkook.

Jungkook was a bright student from the preceding times..he was not only good at his studies but was  a fabulous player ..he had a lot of interest in art and craft too.

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