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" What about her? " Jungkook asked... His sharp doe eyes itched in frown...

"E-everything ju-ngkook. " Jimin trembled remembering the way taehyung was crying.... In desperation... Desperation to signify his difference with her.

' I'm not like her Iseul. I willl...i-l..will never cheat on my hyung...M-y love. I love my hyung...soo Much...moRe than anything. '

' I'm not like her. I-i will not hurt my hyung '

" Don't test my patience. Say it clearly... To the point things. " Jungkook hissed... Jaw clenching, he was already in a bad temper, and now jimin was making it hard... Hard for him to control himself.

He was just wishing for him to say whatever he wants and then f*ck off... He has a husband to deal with.... Husband who was whining for him... For his attention....was calling for him, as he thrashed on the bed.

"T-that s-she was your fiance and h-how you used to love her... And how s-she cheated on you. " Jimin stated... Stuttering and fumbling badly... As Taehyung' s words were encroaching in his he living that moment again...where taehyung confessed his misery out infront of him...

He was getting weak...yet  he started again,

" He a-also Knows th-at you ar-e not G-ga-y. " He sobbed.... Everything around him.... Every inner thoughts of taehyung overwhelming him. It was just too much for him.

" H- he thin-ks h-he f-forced you into th-ings. He w-was cr-crying so m-much jungkook. "

" He mi-ght take so-me wrong step jungkook.... Ple-ase clear all the misunderstandings.... He isn't L-like them. H-he i-is innocent.... Jungk-ook ... He was cry-ing... For you." Jimin chocked... As the tears kept on coming out of his worried eyes... Worried for his friend... As well for taehyung.

" I am sorry. I w-was wrong. So wrong. " He accepted.... Accepted his mistake, mistake of misjudging taehyung... Of comparing him with others, without even knowing him at personal level...for making false assumptions about him...

He become selfish... Selfish enough to just think about his friend's happiness and thus hurted an innocent, who did nothing but truly and selflessly loved his friend in  every way possible...with his every flaw..

He was being protective of jungkook... Jungkook who has faced alot when it comes to relationships... But while protecting jungkook , he harmed taehyung very badly... maybe beyond repairs..

He was guilty.... He wished he could turn back time... Could slap himself hard when he was badmouthing about taehyung.... When he was questioning his love for jungkook.

He was ashamed of himself...

" H-he loves you jungkook... S-so much. "

" I know..... He Loves me.... You may go now. " Jungkook stated blankly...his words filled with unknown confidence.... confidence on taehyung...on his love..

" Jung-"

" Don't... "  He whispered... whisper which was above any shout...any threat.

So ,Jimin left from there..... With a heavy heart and a hope... Hope of jungkook cleaning this mess...mess made by him or others , who probably told taehyung about jungkook's past....which should have done by Jungkook...and him only...he hope he would make everything as it use to be.

Jungkook stood there on his place for a quite long time... His mind gathering and analysing all the information given to him by jimin...

Taehyung was aware of his past now...

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