85. A Finale 🔑❤️🔓

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(Vanessa's Pov)
Last scenario, reminiscing
All the girls were in my living room, doing what you may ask?

Playing Barbie's.

None of us has touched a Barbie in years.
But we were having one of those "remember when" talks, and got nostalgic.

The door opened, and in walked the moms.

"What's going on?" Said Pansy.
"We were talking about how we missed being young." Said Maria.

"Can we join?" Said auntie Astoria.
"Sure." Said Adaline.

All the moms sat down, and picked up a Barbie. They started brushing their Barbie's hair.

Brushing a barbies hair is the first thing girls do when they get one.

Seeing the moms who are in their 40s doing the same thing was heartwarming.

It's like a universal girl thing.

"I haven't touched a doll in so long."
Said Hermione.

"This is strange, but I see why you girls decided to do it." Said my mom.

"I feel my younger self coming out." Said auntie Astoria.

"Obviously we're young, but we miss being young young." Said Alice.

"I remember being your guys's age.
What a time." Said Hermione smiling.

"Tell us stories." I said.

(Narrator's Pov)
Dinner was ready, the food was getting cold.
All the men were at the table eating.

"Where are the girls?" Asked Theodore.
"I'll grab them." Said Draco.

Draco opened the living room door.

"I remember what it was like growing up with boys. Thank Merlin I met these girls."
Laughed Isabella.

"Yeah?" Said Draco.
"Join us." Said Astoria.

Draco sat next to Isabella, and wrapped his arm around her.

"Draco was my best friend growing up.
And that never changed." Said Isabella.

"Dinners getting cold." Said Mattheo walking in.

"Sit. We're telling stories about our childhood."
Said Isabella.

"I've got some good ones." Said Mattheo sitting next to Astoria.

"Like what dad?" Asked Maria.

"Once we were playing with water balloons.
Theo chucked one at Draco, and it hit him smack in the face." Said Mattheo.

Laughed Isabella.

"I was five!" Said Draco.

"One time we were painting rocks, I wanted Draco's rock so badly, it was beautiful.

But the guys were like "aww you're giving her your rock. You like herrr."

So Draco took it back.

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