4. I Need You📱

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(Isabella's Pov)
Two weeks later
Things have been quiet between Draco and I.

I was hanging out in Cormac's dorm as usual.

He sat up which caused me to sit up too.
He then grabbed my hands.

"I was thinking..."
My stomach dropped, I knew what was coming.

"We've been hanging out for half a month, and I feel like we've really gotten to know each other."

"I really like you Isabella, do you wanna try dating?" He said.

Oh god.

"I don't know." I said.
"Why are you unsure? What's causing you to not want this?" He said.

"I've had other boyfriends, and they haven't been good to me." I said.

"Think of these last two weeks. I've been fantastic to you, I've never made you uncomfortable, and I've never tried making you do anything you didn't want to." He said.

I knew what he was implying.

"How about this, we try it for a bit and if you wanna break up we will." He said.

"It's not any different from what we do now, except there's a label on it." He said.

I hesitated.

He grabbed my face.
"If you're not ready that's okay, I just thought I'd ask."

I'm glad he's making me feel comfortable.

he's doing it on purpose, this is bullshit.

"You know what it's okay, forget I asked."
He said lying back down.

"Come, lie down with me." He said.

But at the same time I can just break up with him. So whatever.

"Cormac, I'll date you."
"Holy shit." He said kissing me.

"But this means you can't do anything with Draco guys." Said Cormac.

"Do you take me for a cheater?" I said.
"I'm just making sure." He said back.

I squealed, and pushed him back.
"This calls for a reward." I said.

He grinned, and slid his belt off.

(Theo's Pov)
The guys were in mine and Mattheo's dorm. There was a knock, and Isabella skipped in.

"Your cheery." I said.
She smiled and her dimples showed.

Fucking adorable.

"Don't get mad please." She said.

(Draco's Pov)
She can trick every person in the world.
But she can't trick me.

The way her tone softened, and her eyes got all big. She's making herself seem nervous.

She's making it so we feel bad for getting mad at her when she says what she's gonna say.
I have a gut feeling Mclaggen asked her out.

"You guys know I'm hanging out with Cormac quite a lot."

She would never just come out and say she's dating him. That would cause an outburst.

She's saying things that build up to it, so that by the time she says it everyone will already know.

She's giving us time to process.
Isabella's always been a smart girl.

(Mattheo's Pov)
He asked her out.
Why else would she even talk about it?

"I was hanging out in his dorm when he asked something."

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