19. Caught/Muffliato ish 👀😳

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(Isabella's Pov)
It's the next morning, classes just ended.
Mattheo's nowhere to be seen.

"Did you not see him in your dorm this morning?" Asked Enzo.
"I wasn't in my dorm." Said Theo.

"Go check your dorm then!" I said.
"Alright alright." Said Theo raising his hands.

(Theo's Pov)
I walked to my dorm, and walked inside.
Mattheo was sleeping.

I then noticed someone in bed with him.

No fucking way.

Message to Groupchat:
Get your fucking asses to my dorm

Message from Groupchat:
On our way- Isabella.

A minute later they arrived.
"Is he in here?" Asked Enzo.
"You guys aren't gonna believe this shit." I said.

Draco noticed first, I saw it in his eyes.
Then Enzo. A smile grew across his face.
Then Isabella noticed. She couldn't hold back her gasp.

"What the fuck???" Draco mouthed.
Enzo covered his mouth before he bursted out laughing, and Isabella stood there horrified.

"Wake up Granger."
I said shaking Hermione's shoulders.

She moved around, and opened her eyes.

(Hermione's Pov)
I'm freaking out.
Everyone's here, and they know.

I froze in place.

I looked at Mattheo who was passed out.
I hit his shoulder.

"Mattheo wake up." I said.
I looked back at everyone.

"I'm sorry." I said looking at Isabella.
She just looked at me.

I hit Mattheo again.
"What?" He groaned pushing me.
Theo, and Enzo were holding back a laugh.

"Wake up." I said.

(Mattheo's Pov)
"God damnit Granger just shut up." I said pushing her again.

"Mattheos cranky in the mornings." Said Theo.


I opened my eyes, and freaked out.

"You could pull any girl in the school and you chose the fucking Mudblood?" Said Enzo.

"Seriously Mattheo? And why are you still lying there." Said Isabella grabbing Hermione's arm.

I pushed Isabella away, and made sure Hermione was covered.

I then eyed Hermiones clothes on the floor.
Draco caught my eyes, and looked horrified.

"Don't tell me the Mudbloods naked under there." He said.

Hermione's face turned red.
"Now I'm curious step out." Said Theo.

"How could you do this?" Said Isabella.
"I-" Hermione stammered.

"Hermione waited 20 minutes for you at the party last night. I saw her sitting on the floor wasted. She couldn't go back to her dorm because Harry was there. You said she can come with you but you left her. Being the good brother I am. I once again cleaned your mess, and brought her to my dorm."

I saw the guilt spread on Isabella's face.
"That doesn't explain why you shagged her." Said Draco.

"I was drunk, and made a move on him."
She said.

Isabella grabbed Hermiones clothes, and brought it to her.
"It happened, it's over and I'm sorry." She said.

Hermione got dressed, and stood up.
Her legs buckled, and she grabbed on to Draco who shoved her away.

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