59. Amortentia 💞🧪

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(Isabella's Pov)
February 7th
Draco, and I were trying again.
"I'll be gentle my love." He said rubbing my face.

I'm glad Draco was taking this seriously.
He knows this is something that bothers me.

I felt his tip rub up and down me, and gasped.
"Relax, you're gonna be fine darling."

I have to remember I've done this many times.
He slipped his tip in, and rubbed my clit.

"I'm gonna go in deeper. I won't do anything sudden, you'll know when it's coming."

My body immediately panicked.
I remember him saying that before.

I pushed him off, and sat up.
"We're done." I said.

I could've kept going, but the more I panic as he does this, the more I'm gonna remember panicking when I try again.

He pulled my body against him, and wrapped my legs around his torso.

I don't know why Mattheo was so worried, Draco treats me perfectly.

"You're the perfect boyfriend." I said.
"It's easy when you the perfect girl."

(Astoria's Pov)
"Mattheo, I told you if you wanna smoke you have to leave the dorm. I don't wanna inhale anything." I said.

He gave me a look, and apparated out.
I've been feeling lost lately.
Like I'm his mother not his girlfriend.

I was better off with Draco.
At least Draco wanted to touch me.
It may have only been to shag, but it was something.

Mattheos giving me nothing.
I know it's not his fault, but I don't know how much longer I can do this for.

(Mattheo's Pov)
Astoria needs to leave me.
I don't have the heart to break up with her, she needs to break up with me.

I feel really guilty about smoking inside, and not giving her affection, but it's the only way she'll leave me.

It's better for the both of us if she hates me.

(Isabella's Pov)
February 9th
Todays a very exciting day because we're making Amortentias.

"You think Theo, and Mione will smell each other?" I asked.

"Who knows?" Said Enzo.
"I don't know them as well as you guys, but I think there good for each other." Said Jackson.

Jackson, and Enzo were partners, since Theo, and Mione paired up.

(Astoria's Pov)
"I've told you so many times, if you wanna smoke you gotta leave." I said.

I really hated getting mad at him, but he won't listen.

He sighed, and put his cigarette out.
He looked so sad, and I felt terrible.

He looked down at me, and his eyes turned red.
I couldn't tell if he was high, or if he was about to cry.

(Mattheo's Pov)
I had to go to the washroom. I couldn't face her without feeling guilty.

I hate that I have to do this.
My reflection makes me sick.

Not only because of the scars, but because of how disgraceful of a human I am.

I lifted my shirt, and frowned.
The memories came back.

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