78. Muffliato 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 👀

387 10 7

(Isabella's Pov)
One year later
June 8th
We're in our last year of Hogwarts, it's crazy.

I've been really happy lately, and my hairs been curly a lot!

At the beginning of year 6, I had Draco, Theo, Enzo on one side, Pans, Mione, Ginny on the other.

Now we're all one group, almost. We don't talk to Ginny anymore. She hangs out with Harry guys which is sad, but it happens.

Astorias also part of our group, which means everyone's dating each other.

Yup, Enzo, and Pans are dating.

We're 17 now, and with maturity comes new likings. There is something, that we definitely all enjoy doing together.


Everyone's comfortable enough in our relationships, that we fuck each other all the time. In other words group shagging.

We'll be on the same bed. I'll shag Draco, as Enzo shags Pans next to us.

Sometimes Draco, and Enzo are both on Pans,
or me. Or Pans and, I are on one of the boys.

Sorta like a threesome in a way.

It's different with Theo guys.
Draco, and Mione refuse touch each other.

Within this new experience, Draco has found another kink. He loves watching me get shagged.

Like right now.

"Slow down!" I cried.
"Speed it up." Said Draco.

I was on my back, and Theo was on top of me.
Draco had my arms pinned, and Theo was slamming into me.

"Have mercy!" I screamed.
Mione looked at me with pity.

"Mmhm I'm gonna cum." Groaned Theo.
He pulled out, and came on my chest.

I groaned in relief, and Draco wiped my eyes.
"You did good baby." Said Draco.

"Isabella teach me your ways. Did that not hurt?" Asked Mione.

"That shit did hurt." I laughed.
"She likes it. Pain turns her on." Said Draco.

(Hermione's Pov)
When this group shagging thing started I was hesitant. But now I love it, it's plenty of fun.

Except when Draco watches.
I don't mind when Isabella, and I are on Theo.
But when it's just Theo, and I, and Draco's in the room, I hate it.

Right now Draco's smirking at me, as Theo's thrusting into me.

"Draco can you not?" I said.

"It's funny seeing you guys shag.
You're like a hamster, and he's an elephant."

"After Isabella shagged him, I must seem pathetic to you." I said.

"I'm not judging Granger, I've shagged millions of girls. There's no shame." He said.
"Whatever." I said.

"You know what I have an idea that might help." Said Draco.

"You wanna help me?" I asked skeptically.
"Yes Mudblood."

Draco walked over, and put his hands on my waist. I jumped.

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