39. Guilt 😞

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(Isabella's Pov)
Narcissa was gone, we were alone.
His eyes were staring blankly into the wall.

I sighed, and turned around, but from the corner of my eye I saw his head turn.

I felt his eyes burn into my skin.

We looked at each other, waiting to see who'd make the first move.

"I didn't mean to push you like that."
It sounded like he struggled to talk.

I didn't say anything.
I can't just forgive him for that.

"D-did I hurt you?"
Draco stuttered, he doesn't stutter ever.

"Not physically." I said.

He moved over so we were next to each other, and my heart pounded.

"Why didn't you tell them?" He asked
"Tell who what?" I said.
"Enzo, Theo, what I did to you." He said.

"I wasn't doing you any favors. They would've told Mattheo, and I don't want him leaving on a rough note." I said.

He sat up, and gulped.
"I'm sorry for everything I said and." He paused.

I heard him sniffle, and his eyes went from dry and white, to wet and red.

He took quick breaths, and put his hands in tight fists. His lips parted, but no words came out.

He took deeper breaths, and his eyes dripped with tears. His face turned red, and he started fanning himself. His body started trembling and he stood up.

He put his hands on the bed, and carried his weight with his forearms. Out of nowhere he shivered, and then went back to fanning himself.

He grabbed the headboard, and leaned forward. His forehead rested on top of the headboard.

He let the headboard go, and his hands left behind sweat marks.
He shivered again, and his body jerked.

I didn't know what was happening to him.

"Draco what's going on?" I said walking over.
I grabbed his hand, but he yanked it away.

"Draco I need to know what's going on."
He looked at me, but didn't respond.
His lips parted, but he shook his head.

He sat on the floor, and leaned against the wall.

"You're scaring me, please tell me what's happening." I said worried.

He looked up at me with bags under his eyes.
"P-panic attack." He said before panting.

I don't know what to do, I've had minor attacks but nothing as bad as this.

I knelt down, and grabbed his face.

I thought back to the times I've freaked out, and Draco's comforted me.

He holds me, tells me he's here for me, says I'm okay, and to breathe.

I sat beside him wrapping my arms around his body, leaning his head into my shoulder.

I was still really mad, but I need to calm him down before I say anything.

"You're gonna be okay Draco, I'm right here
Just relax. It's gonna end I promise." I said.

He sat up, and moved away from me.

"Isabella don't hate me, please don't say you hate me."

"It was just an argument, I don't hate you."
I said.

"I got aggressive with you. My anger took over I'd never hurt you, Isabella please believe me."

This was a hard situation.
I can't forgive him just because he feels guilty.

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