5. The Shower🚿

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(Draco's Pov)
After a fucking month now she needs me?

"No." I sent back.

I waited about seven minutes, no reply.
I didn't even know where she was.
Cormac's dorm probably.

She wasn't replying which was strange.
She's a fast replier.

I had this gut feeling to go find her, so I walked to Cormac's dorm.

"Is Isabella here?" I said.
"She was but she got mad and apparated away."
"Sounds like her. She doesn't know how to control herself." I said laughing.

Cormac laughed back.
"Any idea where she went?" I said.

I had to play this next part smart.
If she messaged that she needed me she's not with the boys.

And if it was me who got that message, she didn't want the boys to find out.

Isabella doesn't apologize or give in first.
After a month of barely talking it was her who gave in first.

Something must be wrong.
But how the fuck was I gonna find her?

I walked to Harry's dorm and banged on the door.

He opened it confused.
"What do you want?" He asked.

"Give me that stalker map." I said barging in.
"You mean the Marauders Map?" Asked Harry.
"Whatever the fuck it's called." I said.

"You've always been a prick to me, why should I help you?" Said Harry.

"I need to find Isabella." I said.
Harry walked over, and pulled the map out.

He murmured something, and opened the map.
I yanked it out of his hands.

"Hey!" Yelled Harry.
I ignored him.

"Where the fuck is her name?" I asked.
"Give me the map and I'll tell you." Said Harry.

I rolled my eyes, and handed it back.
He did some spell with his wand, and her name was highlighted.

"She's on the East wing of the 6th floor."
Said Harry.

That's the creepy hall no one goes to.

"Whys she there?" Asked Harry.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" I said.

I walked out, and slammed the door.
This is just great. She's in that abandoned hall.

(Isabella's Pov)
I've been on the floor sobbing for ten minutes.
Draco said no.

I tried to reply but my battery died.
It was like I was in a movie.

I sat there huddled up. Every time I stood I felt as if I was gonna pass out.

I was scared, I couldn't see anything.
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and closed my eyes.

"You're a fucking twat you know.
Four weeks, that's 27 days of ignoring me.
And now that your in this creepy ass hall you need me." Draco snarled.

My head was still down, but the footsteps got closer. The footsteps approached, and I felt a light shine at me.

I looked up at him and his face dropped.
"Don't do this right now. I know you're mad, but please Draco, p-please."

Draco picked me up and we apparated into his dorm. I jumped out of his arms, and ran to the washroom. I turned the shower on and slammed the door.

I feel dirty.
Draco knocked on the door.

"Hey! What happened?" He said.
I took my clothes off and hopped in the shower.
"Go away." I said.

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