67. A Turn in Events 😳

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(Draco's Pov)
February 27th
"Let me go faster, I know you can take it."

"Okay." She said submissively.
She looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

"I can't take it anymore." She cried.
"Shhh, be a good girl." I said.

She clenched around me, and a loud moan slipped out.

"Draco!" She cried as she orgasmed.
"I love when you say my name Granger."

My body jolted awake, and I sat up,
I just had a wet dream about Granger.

"Isabella wake up." I said shaking her.
She groaned, pushing me away.

Nothing this disgusting has ever happened to me. I feel violated.

"Isa wake up now!" I said shaking her again.
"It's the weekend, I wanna sleep."

"We need to fuck right now." I said.
"It's so early, I'm tired." She said.
"Isa please, I'm desperate."

I couldn't tell her.

"If you fuck me no questions asked, I'll be your personal slave all day. I won't complain once."

"Deal. But I'm tired, you can strip me, and move me however. I'm just gonna lay here, do what you want."

(Enzo's Pov)
I slept in Blaise's dorm last night. I was gonna sleep in Jackson's, but he only had one bed.

"Good luck with Pansy." Said Blaise.
"Thanks man."

"I'm rooting for you. You're a lot like her actually. Maybe too much like her."


"Both of you are outspoken. You say what you want, because you can. And your actions are bold. You guys just live in the moment."
He said.

(Draco's Pov)
Isabella, and I finished shagging, and I'm back to normal. I'm still shocked my brain would curse me with a nightmare like that, but I'm over it.

We got to the great hall, and everyone was there. Including Hermione.

"Finally you guys are here." Said Enzo.
"You interrupted our shag last night, so we had to continue this morning." I said.

"Do you guys shag everyday?" Asked Theo.

"None of you mother fuckers know how high Draco's sex drive is." Said Astoria.

She was right.

"Thank god I'm with Mattheo. My body is not built for that." Said Astoria kissing him.

"Same with Theo, it's a lot, but it's not like we shag everyday." Said Mione.

"Isabella, thoughts?" I said.

"It's definitely a lot, but how can I say no.
Passing up a shag is like passing a million dollars." Said Isabella.

"So you're saying Draco has a million dollar di-"

"Can we not talk about my dick."
I said cutting Theo off.

"Yeah I'd rather suck then talk." Said Isabella.
"Oi, that was bold." Said Enzo.

Mattheo had his eyes down, he still hasn't apologized to Isabella.

"I'm here." Said Jackson holding a tray of waters.

"Finally, my mouths been so dry." Said Theo.

"Leave the poor man alone. He's already slaving over your asses, you should thank him."
Said Hermione.

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