46. "Im sorry."☹️

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(Jackson's Pov)
I was gonna wait till tomorrow to apologize, but I couldn't sleep until I did.

I nervously knocked on Isabella's dorm.
She opened it in her bra, and shorts.

Memories from when slept together flashed. The touching, kissing, sucking, all of it.

Her face dropped when she saw me.
"What do you want? It's late." She said.

Her hand shook around the doorknob.

"Can I talk to you?"
"No." She said shutting the door.

I wedged my foot between so it stayed open.

"Please, I'll be quick." I said.

"I don't fucking like you, I don't wanna talk to you, or look at you. I'm only putting up with you for a month. When Mattheos back you're done."

"I just need to apologize."

"Jackson don't do this now, I beg you. My minds already fucked with you back, and Mattheo gone. I can't have you apologizing."

"Why not?" I said.

"I don't need more things messing with my mind. Especially after Grayson found the video.
I know he found it before you came, but what if you planned it. You spent five months dating me just to make the video, you easily could've told him over the break." She said.

"I would nev-"
"You would." She said interrupting me.

"I spoke to Draco, he told me about some of the shit that happened." I said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"He spoke of a guy named Cormac, what him and his friends did to you. Was Cormac the same guy at the party who tried to-"

"Yes." She said.

What happened to her was terrible, it's weird how calm she is about it.

"Fine, make your apology quick." She said stepping out.

She stood there with her arms crossed, and I lost all sense of what I was gonna say.

"Come to my dorm so we don't get in trouble."
"I'm not going into a room alone with you."

"Relax. I'm not gonna do anything."

We apparated to my dorm and she stood by the door.

"Sit down." I said.
She rolled her eyes, and sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm sorry." I said.
"No fucking shit." She said.

Fuck this was gonna be hard.

"Draco told me you had issues around sex, but also big trust issues." I said.

"You fake dated me. Of course I have trust issues. And if you're here to tell me everything that's wrong with me, don't." She said.

"I'm not good at this." I said.
She walked to the door, but I stopped her.

"I know you got called names at our old school, and that the video was embarrassing. I didn't realize it would give you all these problems.
I never would've done it if I had known the damage it would do."

She turned back around, and shook her head.

"You still did an awful thing. I don't care if you regret it. The fact is you did it. And Jackson you hurt me more then anyone else ever has."

"I know. And after talking to Draco, and hearing the shit you've been through I get it."

"Jackson you know what I've been through, you were there." She said.

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