25. Practice Exams 📝

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(Isabella's Pov)
December 3rd
"Your Potions practice exams have been marked. As promised, the two top marks will get two bonus marks on their real exam. Highest mark gets three."

I looked at Draco, and Mione turned her head towards us.
It was always us who got the highest marks.

"The 3rd highest mark is 95/100.
This test belongs to....Isabella."

Ugh third?
I'm slacking.
Just kidding, I'm not one of those people.

"There are two tests remaining, one with the score of 96/100, another with the score 98/100.

The highest test score in this class belongs to........Hermione." Everyone clapped and Draco scoffed.

"Always the fucking Mudblood."
"There's one test remaining which belongs to

Mione always gets the highest mark out of us. I've only beat her once. Draco's never beaten her.

The next class was DADA.
"Mione come sit here." I said.

"I can't believe someone like you is smarter then someone like me." Draco said to her.

"You're just a jealous twat." She said.
"Shut up we're about to hear who the winners are." I said.

"In third place is Ms.Riddle with a 94/100."
"Third again." I said.

"In second place with a 96/100.....Ms.Granger."
"What!" She Mione.

My jaw dropped, and Draco laughed.

"No fucking way." I said.
"This is rubbish." She said.

"You're not gonna win, someone must've took your spot, and mine!" She said.

"And in first place with a 99/100

"Holy shit. A 99!" I said.
I watched as Miones face went red, and as Draco proudly brought his test back.

"Look at that, you wish you had my score."
"Give me that." She said grabbing the paper.

She went through his test, and Draco had this smug grin on his face.

"How could I be so stupid?" She said.

"First I'm a prefect, then I get the highest mark, what's next valedictorian?" Said Draco.

"Relax, this is your first win." She said.

(Mattheo's Pov)
I got my practice exams back for my classes,
I fucked them.

My first class was The Care of Magical creatures,
56%. That's barely a pass.

My second class was DADA, this was my one good class thanks to my father. 89%

My Third class was Potions, my worst, 49%

Isabella and Draco are both super smart, but I don't wanna ask them for help.

I don't wanna be tutored by my sister,
and Draco would never let me live that down.

They compete every year for the highest mark.
It's always Draco, Isabella and Hermio-

I have to ask Hermione don't I?
She owes me for that time at the party.

I knocked on Isabella's dorm, and she opened it.
"Mattheo guess what!" She said.
"I got 95% on my Potions test, 94% on my DADA test and 95% on my Charms test!" She said.

I wanted to be happy for her, but I was jealous.
Isabella took all the smart genes.

"Wow good job." I said.
She frowned.

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