56. Ruined ❤️‍🩹

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(Draco's Pov)
January 30th
I met Astoria in the common room, she wanted to talk.

"How's Isabella? It's been a day since her and Mattheo spoke." She said.
"She's okay." I said.
"How's Mattheo?" I asked.

"Not well. Barely got him to class."
"Shit." I said.

"This sounds weird, but he won't let me see him naked. He wears a shirt to bed. I ask if he wants to shower with me, but he rejects it."

"You guys haven't shagged yet?" I asked.
"No. He barely touches me." Said Astoria.
"I'm sorry." I said.

"You shagging Isabella a lot?" She asked.
"Twice sometimes three times a day." I said.

"Finally found someone with a sex drive as high as yours." Said Astoria.

"My sex drive isn't that high." I said.
"You're delusional if you think that."
Said Astoria.

"Whatever." I said.
"We should get them to talk. Let's meet in the common room after classes." Said Astoria.

(Isabella's Pov)
Draco, and I walked to the common room once classes ended.

I walked inside, and saw Mattheo, and Astoria.

"Sit." Said Draco.
Draco pushed me next to Mattheo.
We avoided eye contact.

"Talk it out." Said Astoria.
"I can't. Mattheo won't tell me what's wrong, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Mattheo, you need to talk. Isabella was explaining her feelings, you took it in a way she didn't mean." Said Astoria.

"I took it the way I heard it." Said Mattheo

"Mattheo you've been so fucking weird since you got here. Astorias tryna help you." I said.

"If I was comfortable I would tell you, but I'm not so give it up." He snarled.

"Mattheo, I've been by your side since before we were fucking born. I've seen you almost everyday for 16 years. How are you not comfortable?"

"Because I'm not." He said.

"Then I'm not doing this."
I stood up, but Draco grabbed my arm.

"Sit darling."
"Mattheos being impossible." I said.
"Please sit my love."

Mattheo rolled his eyes.

"Mattheo when I said let me go, I didn't mean cut me off. You're too much, and I can't handle it sometimes."

"Did you enjoy the month I was gone?"
Asked Mattheo.

"I missed you." I said.
"That's not what I asked." He said.

"I enjoyed it, but not because you were gone."

"Did you have this sense of freedom?"
"I did but, Draco was always on my case."
"But did you feel more free with me gone?"
Asked Mattheo.

"In a way, yes." I said.
"There it is." Said Mattheo standing up.
"You can't be mad about this." I said.

"This conversation is making me brain dead.
I don't fucking know what's going on, and shits not getting resolved." He said.

"Fine, we're done then." I said standing up.
I walked to the door, and Draco followed me.

"Isa please try again." He whispered.

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