Characters Futures/Thank you 💚

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This is what the future holds for our main 8

Authors note:
There is more, it's chapters of Draco, and Isabella's wedding, baby stuff, and a future chapter which shows the Povs of the children of the main 8.

But still read the sections below for details about their lives.

(Lorenzo and Pansy)
They go to the muggle world, and attend university. After four years they get their degrees, and move back to the wizarding world. They spend another year working alongside other wizards, and applying their knowledge to magic. Pansy becomes a healer, and Lorenzo creates his own potions, which he then sells.

Lorenzo proposes to Pansy when they are 25, and she ends up getting pregnant on their honeymoon! They buy a home, and have a baby boy named Oliver!

Two years later, Pansy gets pregnant again (accidentally)
They decide to keep the baby, and she has a boy named Charlie. They have no more children, and live a happy life together!

(Theodore and Hermione)
Hermione starts her program with Draco and Isabella, Theo does nothing. As this goes on, Voldemort starts gaining power, and talks about starting a war. Voldemort gets in contact, with Draco, Theo, Mattheo, Enzo, and Isabella, to become death eaters, but gets turned down.

Theo visits home, and finds a book on horcruxes in his family library. He shows Hermione this book, and she immediately contacts Harry.
For the first time she reunites with Harry, and Ron, they decide it was time to end Voldemort once and for all.

Because Hermione is still in her program, she finds herself busy between helping Harry, and the program. Because Theo is free, he works with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

They struggle greatly, until Theo considers something. Hermione tells him it's too dangerous, but Theo says it gave him a purpose.

Theo returns to Voldemort, and takes the dark mark, becoming a death eater. He wants to gain Voldemorts trust so he can get information.

This is successful. They destroy the horcruxes, and plan to kill Voldemort.

Because Theo's a death eater, he is forced to kill people as a normal task. He gets in contact with Mattheo, and they speak on the phone everyday.

Nine months into the war, Hermione gets cursed, sending her in a coma. Theo has a rough time wanting to continue his duties in the war.
He visits her as much as possible, but can't be with her everyday. Because Draco, and Isabella aren't part of the war, they visit Hermione often, and update Theo.

As Hermiones in a coma, Astoria, Mattheo, Enzo, and Pansy, come to visit her.

Voldemort finally dies during the 12th month of the war, making it last a year.

Theo realizes how deep his love is for Hermione, and ends up telling his family about her. At first his family's angry, but after some time his mother realizes how in love her son is, and accepts Hermione.

A week after Voldemorts death, Hermione wakes up, making her coma last three months.
Theo realizes life's not guaranteed, so he proposes to Hermione, making them the first ones to get married out of the eight. The eight of them reunite at the wedding for the first time.

Because of the war, Theo learns that he loves fighting against dark arts, and knows what he wants to be. Theo becomes an Auror! Hermione ends up becoming the head of the department of magical law, and eventually becomes the minister for magic at 28.

When the two are 23, Hermione gets pregnant! She has a baby boy named Luca, which is an Italian name, following Theo's roots. At 27, Hermione gets pregnant again! And has a baby girl named Adaline! Theo, and Hermione buy a house, and live a happily ever after.

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