55. "Let me go."/Muffliato ish 👀🚪

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(Isabella's Pov)
January 23rd
We spent all night moving Draco, and Theo.

"Morning my love." Said Draco kissing me.
"I like that." I said.

"You're so beautiful in the mornings."
He said pulling me on top of him.

I pecked him repeatedly, and he rubbed my back.

"I love back rubs." I said.
"I'll rub you wherever you want." He said.
"Yeah?" I asked.

He grabbed my waist, and flipped me over in seconds.

"You know what one of the best things about dating you is?" He asked.

"What?" I said back.
"You don't wear pants to bed. Makes things convenient." He said.

He got under the covers, and pulled them up to my neck so I couldn't see him.

I felt him kiss my inner thighs, and then up my stomach. He then slipped my underwear down

He left kisses higher, and higher, and kissed my clit, causing me to sigh.

January 27th
I was in mine and Draco's dorm, where I'm sure Mattheo will apparate to, thinking it's his.

I was with Astoria, and the guys.
Not Jackson of course.

We're all super excited for Mattheo to come back. We're also gonna tell him about Jackson.
My nerves were killing me.

"You excited?" Asked Draco.
"Extremely, but also nervous."

Draco grabbed my jaw, and kissed me.
Our kisses, and shags were different. It felt so much more loving, but still very sexual.

I enjoy it so much more now.

We shag a lot.
Every morning, every night.
Sometimes midday too.

Draco squeezed my hand, and kissed me again.
Sounds of apparatations were heard, and my heart pounded.

"Mattheo!" I said when he appeared.
He dropped his bags, and I ran towards him.

I gave him a hug, and he immediately pushed me away. I looked back, and everyone was silent. Astoria walked over and cupped his face.

"What's wrong?" Asked Astoria.
Mattheo grabbed her arms, and pulled them down.

He walked over to mine, and Draco's bed, and sat down. He put his face in his hands, and we heard him heavily breathing.

I walked over, moving his hands.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Said Mattheo.
His face had marks.

"You can tell us what happened." I said.
"I said I don't wanna talk about it."
His teeth gritted.

"But Mattheo." I said grabbing his arm.
"Stop." He said pushing me away.
"Mattheo." I repeated grabbing him.
"I said stop!" He yelled pushing me.

He pushed me so hard, I hit the floor.
"Watch it, that's your sister." Said Draco pulling me up.

"Obviously you're upset, but we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong." Said Theo.

Mattheo shoved Theo back.
Theo had to grab the bed to stable himself.
Theo's a heavy guy, and Mattheo flung him.

Astoria sat next to him, and rubbed his arm.

"Please don't touch me." He said.
Astoria let him go, and sighed.

"What happened?" Asked Enzo.

"Don't you guys know the meaning of not wanting to talk about it!" Yelled Mattheo.

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