68. Heartbroken 💔

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(Isabella's Pov)
The next morning
Looking over, I saw Mattheo, and Astoria in the other bed.

Then it all came flooding back, and my stomach dropped.

I sat up, and dug my face into my knees.
And then I lost it.

I heard footsteps, and felt the bed sink.
Astoria, and Mattheo were on either side of me.

Mattheo wrapped his arm around me, and Astoria wiped my eyes.

"I can't go back to my dorm, I'm gonna need my clothes, and stuff."

"We figured." Said Mattheo pointing.
All my stuff was sitting in the corner.

"Was Draco in the dorm?" I asked.
"No." Said Astoria.

Draco didn't stay the night.

"You hungry?" Asked Mattheo.
"Y-yeah." I said sobbing.

"I'll get someone to bring you food."
Said Mattheo picking up his phone.

"I don't want them to stay, I just wanna be alone with you guys." I said.

Minutes later, Enzo walked in with a tray of food. He placed it in front of me, and frowned.

"How are you doing?" He asked.
"Not good." I said bawling.

"Shhhh." Said Mattheo rubbing my back.
"I can't stop, it's so hard." I cried.
"I know." He said.

"Enzo do you mind leaving us, and making sure no one else comes in." Said Astoria.
"I'm sorry." I said looking at him.

"I completely understand. If you need anything I'm right here." He said.

I nodded, and he kissed my cheek.
"You're gonna get better." Enzo whispered before walking out.

(Jackson's Pov)
I couldn't stand seeing Isabella so hurt.
I knew I had a thing for her, but I didn't realize how deeply I cared until I got this crushing feeling.

I've never truly felt hurt by sympathy, but this was different. I know I hurt her back when we were dating, but if I saw her react this way it would've killed me inside.

She's more hurt over Draco then she was over me. I'm nothing compared to him.

None of us know where Draco went. He seemed to vanish, and it made sense why.

Seeing Isabella crumble like that was a gut punch. I've never seen someone so hysterical.

I wish she somehow chose me over Draco.
Not that I put myself out there as an option, because I knew she was in love with Draco.

But If she chose me I never would've done this.
I would have no reason to do it, because there's no one else on this earth I want.

(Draco's Pov)
I went home, and lied in bed.
Father thinks I'm sick, mother knows the truth.

Her look of disappointment hurt, but nowhere near as hurtful as the look Isabella had.

My mother came up with some food.
"How could you bring me food? How could you even look at me?" I asked.

"Because you're my son, and you have to eat."

"I can't eat, or drink, or even breathe sometimes." I said.

My throat itched, and my eyes stung.

"And who's fault is that?" She asked.
This was the first time in my life my mom wasn't on my side.

She always finds ways to rationalize it.
But not this time.

She sighed, and left the room.
I moved my food around with my fork, and
put it down.

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