82. Baby!!🍼

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(Draco's Pov)
Isa, and I are 23, and have been trying for a baby for months.

"Let's flip the test." I said.

We flipped the test, and gasped.
"Two lines!" I yelled.
"We're gonna have a baby!" Yelled Isa.

She bursted into tears, and I pulled her into me.
I've never felt this happy in my life.

I'm gonna have a baby with my best friend.

(Isabella's Pov)
Three months later
Todays the day I'm announcing my pregnancy to my friends.

Everyone's incredibly busy.
We only meet up once a month.

"Okay guys, time for shots." I said.
Draco, and I had a plan.

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled.
"I'm pregnant." I said not drinking my shot.

"Wait really?" Asked Enzo.
I nodded, and teared up.

"Oh my god." Yelled Mione.
She ran over, and pulled me into her arms.

She pulled away, and Theo grabbed me.
"You're gonna have a baby!" He yelled.

Pans, and Enzo came rushing over.
They group hugged me, and Pans held my shoulders.

"I'm so excited!" She screamed.
"That's crazy!" Said Enzo.

Finally, Mattheo, and Astoria came over.
Astoria was crying, which was such an Astoria thing to do.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" She sobbed.
"Maria's gonna have a cousin!" I said.
"She's gonna be so excited!" Said Astoria.

She let me go, and Mattheo was left.
He wrapped his arms around me, and smiled.

"Congratulations." He said.

"We have to plan a baby shower!" Said Mione.
"The babies gonna be adorable!" Said Pans.
"Maria's gonna be so happy." Said Astoria.
"Draco knocked your sister uppp." Sang Enzo.

Mattheo rolled his eyes, and pulled me aside.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"You're the only one who asked about me.
Which isn't a bad thing. I loveee how excited everyone is about the baby. But that was really sweet of you. " I said.

"Pregnancy makes you nice? You should get pregnant more often." Said Mattheo.

Mattheo, froze, and I laughed.

"That came out wrong." Said Mattheo.

Suddenly Mione grabbed me.
"Isabella, you have the pregnancy glow."

"What?" I asked.

"It's caused by a shift in hormones, which increases the amount of oil being produced.
It makes your skin look brighter." Said Pans.

"Or the oils can backfire, which may cause acne. Everyone's skin reacts differently." Said Enzo.

"When did you two become smart?" Said Draco.

"Hello? We spent four years studying sciences." Said Pans.

(Draco's Pov)
Isa's four months pregnant.
"Draco help me up."
I helped her up, and she got her shoes on.

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