43. Jackson😅

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Jackson Blackwood Age:16

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Jackson Blackwood

(Isabella's Pov)
We made eye contact, and his face dropped.
My mouth went dry.

"Say a word to anyone, and I'll make sure the whole school sees the video."

I forgot he knew legilimency.

His voice was haunting, his face, everything about him made me crumble.

I was frozen, I couldn't move.

My legs started functioning again.
"I need to get out." I said, and ran out the class.

I sat on the floor, and tried catching my breath.

Why was he back?
What did he want?

All these questions played in my head, when I heard a voice.

"Isabella!" I looked up and saw the guys kneeling next to me.

"What's wrong?" Asked Draco.

I can't say anything, not until I figure out what Jackson wants.

I felt my hands shake, and my vision go blurry.
I felt like I was dying.
I couldn't speak.

"She's having a panic attack." Said Draco.
"I'll grab her water." Said Enzo.

He ran back to the classroom.

"Isa I know you can hear me don't feel pressured to reply. We're right here, you're okay."

A flash of everything I've been through with Jackson hit me.

I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey, it's okay." Said Draco.

He wrapped his arms around me, and held my face in his chest. He rubbed my back, and kissed my forehead.

Enzo came back with my water.
"Open your mouth darling." Said Draco.
I couldn't, I felt paralyzed.

I felt so out of place, like I was in a dream.
I felt a loss of awareness. I've never felt this before, I was terrified.

I felt Draco grab my face, and stare into my eyes. He spoke, but his voice was muffled.

Theo gently opened my mouth, and Enzo helped me drink.

"I don't know what's happening." I finally said.
"It's okay." Said Draco.

Draco leaned against the wall, and held me in his lap. He put his knees up so I was bordered in him.

I sat there shaking, and crying for another five minutes.

I felt defeated.

"It's not stopping." I cried.
"Shhh, you're okay breathe." Said Draco.

"I'm suffocating."
"If you were suffocating you would've already passed out." Said Draco.

I took deep breaths.

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