31. "I wanna get better." 📈

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(Isabella's Pov)
"Go on Draco. Tell them the way you left me.
The way I lied there, and begged you to stay the night." Said Astoria.

"What the fuck?" Said Mattheo.

"It's not like Astorias some random girl, you guys were friends." Said Theo.

I know Draco wasn't the best, but I didn't realize how bad he actually was.

"Draco, is this true?" I asked.
He avoided eye contact.

"Of course it's true. He's barely spoken a word." Said Mione.

"I love you man, but that's actually fucked."
Said Enzo.

"Draco has no respect for anyone. He just uses girls for sex." Said Mione.

"Yeah, and it hurts." Said Astoria.

"It doesn't take a lot to just make a girl feel cared for." Said Mattheo.

"Takes a lot for him." Said Enzo.

"Draco doesn't care. He doesn't give a single shit about anyone." Said Mione.

"As long as he gets what he needs he's happy." Said Astoria.

"If he was such an asshole why did you keep going back?" Asked Theo.

"He used to be good, but then started shagging everyone and grew an ego." Said Astoria.

"Why are you sitting there in silence. You won't even say sorry." Said Mattheo.

"Of course he won't say sorry, he's not."
Said Mione.

"Don't you feel bad about yourself?" Said Theo.

"I wonder if all the girls felt as used as Astoria." Said Enzo.

"They have. You don't think word spreads?
Why do you think Draco rarely shags the same girl twice?" Said Mione.

"This morning you said you're used to not needing help. It was because of Draco?"
Asked Mattheo.

"Yeah I learnt to take care of myself." She said.
"Jesus Christ." Said Mattheo.

"You shouldn't need to learn take care of yourself." Said Enzo.

"I didn't have a choice." Astoria said.
Her voice cracked again, and I felt her pain.

"Listen Draco we love you but you're seriously fucked." Said Theo.

I looked at Draco who had guilt plastered across his face. He was already in a mood because of me, and now it's worse.

"Astoria you should talk to Draco alone." I said.

"You don't think I've tried? Everything I've said just now, I've said to Draco. He didn't care." Cried Astoria.

I heard the frustration in her voice.
I wanted to walk over, and give her a hug.

"God damnit." She said wiping her eyes.
She leaned on Mattheo, and cried.
"You're not alone." Said Mione.

"As a kid it used to get to me when Draco called me a Mudblood. I felt inferior, and got major self esteem issues. He made me hate myself for purely existing" Said Mione.

"Hey it's okay." Said Mattheo.
He wrapped his other arm around Mione.

"I acted tough but it hurt." Said Mione.

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