6. A Second Attempt 🛏️

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(Isabella's Pov)
Mattheo walked in and pushed Draco away from me.

"Did I hear that right?" He said.
"You don't know the full story." Said Draco.

Mattheo grabbed Draco's collar, and shoved him against the sofa forcing him to sit.

"Tell me the full story then." Said Mattheo sitting down.

"Let's hear why you think my sister isn't the victim after she was touched. And I wanna know what you did to her.

All of you know don't you?
Who's gonna tell me what's going on?"

No one knew what to say.

"That's my sister, as my friends you shouldn't hide things about her from me." Said Mattheo.

"Someone tell him. I don't want to." I said.

I sat next to Mattheo.
"What do you wanna hear first?" Asked Theo.
"About Draco." Said Mattheo.

"One night Isabella went into our dorm.
Draco was alone that night.
And um. Isabella made a move on Draco.
She asked him to, you know." Said Enzo.

I looked at Draco.
He sat there nervously, I watched as his leg bounced.

"Isabella was a, well I think you could guess, when Draco did it with her. Isabella didn't tell Draco she um."

"Just use the words." Said Mattheo.

"Draco didn't shag her like she was a virgin.
It was too much for Isabella so she pulled away." Said Enzo.

"Draco got mad, so he said some harmful things and kicked her out of his dorm." Said Enzo.

Mattheo turned his head towards Draco.
"I'm gonna kill you Malfoy."

"Draco didn't know she was a virgin.
If he did he would've been slower." Said Theo.

"No you have it all wrong." I said.

It was never about the way he fucked me.

"That's not the reason?" Said Enzo.
I looked at Draco hoping he would step in.

"It was the way you treated me.
You said I was a disappointment, and that my body didn't live up to my expectations. You said now you knew why my boyfriends left me.

When I asked if I could stay you told me to get the fuck out. That was the first thing you said to me when we stopped."

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"
Yelled Mattheo.

(Draco's Pov)
Everyone here knew I was in deep shit.
Nothing I could say would save me.

I just have to let Mattheo take it out on me.

Out of nowhere he stood up, pulling me up with him, and punched me.

I took a step back, and felt blood rush out of my nose. Usually I fight back, but that wasn't my place today.

I sniffled and wiped my bloody nose on my shirt.

"Mattheo stop!" Yelled Isabella.

"Draco apologized to me.
I don't understand why he's standing there in silence now. I don't get why you won't just own up to it." She said in tears.

"Cause he's a pussy." Said Mattheo shoving me again.

He shoved, hit, and punched me until I hit the wall behind me.

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