42. A new student/Muffliato 9 👀✏️

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(Draco's Pov)
New Year's Eve
"Only a minute left." Said Enzo.

Isabella hasn't been too upset over Mattheo, but today was different.

"10 seconds." Said Theo.
We counted down, and yelled happy new years.

"Happy new years." Isa said softly.
"Now what?" I asked.
"I just wanna go to bed." Said Isabella.

"Okay, I'll take you." I said.
"I don't wanna ruin new years for you guys."

"It's okay, we'll take you." Said Theo.
"Do you wanna be alone or should we sit with you?" I asked.

"Could you guys sit with me for a bit?" She said.
"Of course." Said Theo.

We headed to her room, and she lied in bed.

"Sorry I've never been separated from him for this long." She said.

"Don't apologize, we understand." Said Enzo.

"Let me hold you Isa."
I lied next to her, and embraced her in my arms.

"Give me a second." Said Theo.
He got up, and left the room.

She grabbed Enzo's hand, and fidgeted with his fingers. Theo came back with a shirt.

"It's Mattheos, he let me borrow it once."

She grabbed the shirt, and bunched it up, holding it in her arms.

"Thank you."
"No problem." He said.

We sat there in silence, and she parted her mouth.

"Um tomorrow maybe we should, or maybe in a few days we can-"

"You don't have to talk Isa, just wait until your ready." I said.

"Sorry I just don't want you guys to leave,
I wanna fill the silence." She said.

"We'll stay as long as you need." Said Theo.
"I feel bad, todays supposed to be a celebration."

"I'd hold you in silence forever if you asked."

I didn't mind staying quiet.
I loved having her in my arms.

She put the shirt on my chest, and put her head on it like a pillow.

She grabbed one of Theos hand, one of Enzo's, and fidgeted.

(Isabella's Pov)
"If I could talk to Mattheo, or if he was only with your parents it's no big deal. I just have no idea how he is." I said.

"You don't have to give us reasons Isa, it's okay to miss him."

I put my arms around Dracos head, and kissed his cheek. I get why he thinks I lead him on, but I can't help it.

"Theo, Enzo, thank you guys so much for sitting here. But is it okay if you leave Draco, and I alone?" I asked.

"Sure." They said.
They left the room, and shut the door.

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