22. Revealed🤫

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(Mattheo's Pov)
I knew Draco wasn't into Astoria, but I can't believe Isabella would do something like that.

Time passed, and I heard a knock on the door.

In walked Isabella.
Her and Draco immediately looked away.

She sat next to Theo, and kept her eyes against the wall.

Theo wrapped his arms around her, and moved her hair out of her face.

"What's wrong." He asked.
"Really cause you walked in here without saying a word." Said Theo.

"Let's not do this again." She said.
"I'm just teasing." He said poking her.

"Isabella looks almost, guilty."
At first I wasn't gonna bring it up.

"Guilty?" Said Enzo sitting up.

"Anything you wanna tell us?"
They both looked at each other, and I watched as the blood drained from their faces.

"Um, no." Said Isabella.
"Draco, why's your hair wet?" I said.

"Draco came looking for me, and I asked him to grab me shampoo. When I opened the curtain, Draco faced the other way. But the water was angled, and it drenched his hair." Said Isabella.

They've been this way since kids.
Every time they would get in trouble, Draco would keep his mouth shut, and Isabella would do the talking.

"Bullshit." I said.
"You got in the shower with her, didn't you?"
Said Theo.

"No." Said Isabella.
"Let him speak for himself." Said Enzo.

They were picking on Draco, because he was a terrible liar.

"What she said." Said Draco.
"I thought things were going well with Blaise." Said Theo.

"They are." She said.
"You wouldn't mind taking a truth serum then, would you?" Said Enzo.

"Sure." Said Isabella.
Her voice was calm, and I would've believed her if she wasn't my sister.

We looked at Draco who was trying his best to hold it together. He looked at Isabella almost like they were speaking.

they were speaking.

"Fine I got in the shower." He said.
Isabella slapped her forehead, and groaned.

"You're dating other people." Said Enzo.
"I know, we can't tell Blaise, or Astoria."
Said Isabella.

"You should." Said Theo.
"Yeah." I said.

"It was a mistake, it won't happen again."
Said Isabella.
"It still happened." I said.
"Guys come on, it was one time." She said.

"I don't wanna ruin a relationship over something meaningless."
"It was meaningless?" Said Draco.

"I have Blaise." She said.
Draco's face dropped.

"You know Isabella, I never thought you would be the biggest player of us." Said Theo.

"Can Draco and I discuss this alone? Come on." She grabbed his hand and they left.

(Isabella's Pov)
"Do we tell them or not?"
"Mine and Astoria's relationship is already broken. It's your choice." He said.

"You don't feel bad?" I asked.
"No." He said.

"You cheated on your girlfriend!" I said.

It's almost like I care about Astoria more then him.

"I don't wanna tell Blaise." I said.
"Don't then." Said Draco.

"Why are you so calm about this?"
"Astoria and I won't last. It's you I'm worried about."

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