54. The Truth 🔓

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(Isabella's Pov)
The next day
Jackson, and I waited nervously in Theo's dorm, the guys walked in.

"You three need to sit down." I said.

Jackson stood next to me. I felt a pair of eyes stab into me. Draco wouldn't break eye contact, and his knee bounced.

"We have something to tell you."
Draco's knee bounced higher, and his hands went into fists.

He then looked at Jackson with murder in his eyes. Jackson looked at me nervously.

"Um, so."
This was harder then expected.

"Just say it Isabella. You two are dating aren't you?" Said Draco.

"God no." I said.

Draco sighed in relief.
"Then nothing you say will be worth the stress on your faces." Said Draco.

I looked at Jackson, and he nodded.
"This is Jackson." I said.
My heart pounded the second the words left my lips.

"The one who posted the video? The one who gave you all this trauma?" Asked Draco.

"Yeah." I said.
Jackson stared at the ground nervously.

"Remember I had that major panic attack?
It's because I saw him."

Everyone's face dropped.
Draco looked pissed.

"But wait.
He's proven that he's not the guy he was before. He deleted the video, and has been loyal ever since. He's never once made a move on me, or a comment. He's been respectful, and generous. He's never went against my back or any of yours. He's apologized a countless amount of times, he's changed.

He was going to leave, but I stopped him.
You guys started becoming close to him, and we've mended our friendship.

I know I sound insane, please trust my judgement. If anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know." I said.

Draco walked over, and examined Jackson.
I looked at Theo and Enzo, who were staring at Draco.

They were waiting for Draco's reaction before they said anything. Whenever something big happens, Enzo, and Theo would wait until Mattheo, Draco, or me, react.

Not that they got persuaded, but because they didn't wanna be against us.

After what felt like forever, Draco nodded.
"Okay." Said Draco.


"Isabella there's no one in the world I trust more then you. If you say he's changed, then I believe you. And if anyone's capable of changing a person, it's you." Said Draco.

"Wait really?" I said.

"You were an absolute jerk, and had no right to do what you did. The only reason I'm not beating your ass is because Isabella told me you changed. My faiths always in her, so I'm gonna let it slide. But I'm keeping a close watch on you. If you ever try something I won't hesitate to hurt you." Said Draco.

"I understand." Said Jackson.

"He's right, we'll fuck you up. I don't care if it's intentional or unintentional, if something goes wrong, you're done." Said Theo.

"And Isabella will tell us. She doesn't keep secrets so don't think you'll get away with it." Said Enzo.

"If you do as little as looking at her the wrong way, I'll personally hurt you in a way you couldn't even imagine. I'll slit your throat if I have to." Said Draco.

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