79. Valedictorian 🎓📝

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(Isabella's Pov)
June 25th
Four days, and our time at Hogwarts is up.
It still feels like I'll be back next year.

All the year 7s are in the great hall.
It was time to announce valedictorian.
Hogwarts does it differently.

They take the top three highest grade averages, and they get voted on by the year 7s.

"Students settle down." Said Dumbledore.

Because Mione was in Gryffindor, she was at the Gryffindor table.

"Here are your valedictorian nominees.
Starting with the highest average, we have.....
Hermione Granger!"

Everyone cheered, and Mione shot us a smile.
That wasn't a surprise.

"With the second highest average, is...........
Draco Malfoy!"

"Fuck you beat me." I said as everyone cheered.
"Sorry love." Said Draco.

"Finally, the third highest average is......
Isabella Riddle."

"Congratulations my love." Said Draco.
"Congrats to you too." I said.

(Hermione's Pov)
We got dismissed, and I ran straight to Theo.

"You did it baby!" He said.
He picked me up, and spun me around.

He kissed my forehead, and slapped my ass.
"You're gonna win. Draco, and Isabella have nothing on you." He said.

"Ouch." Said Draco.
"Yeah that's hurtful." Said Isabella.

"Gotta hype up my girl" He said.
"Thank you Theodore." I said kissing him.

He put me down, and Mattheo guys walked over.
"Congrats Mione, I know you'll win."
Said Mattheo.

"What the fuck!" Said Isabella.
"Everyone's against us." Said Draco.
"Miones been dreaming of this since she was twelve." Said Astoria.

"Hermione Granger, valedictorian. That rolls of the tongue." Said Enzo walking over.

"So no one's rooting for us." I said.
"I'm rooting for you." Said Pansy.
"Really?" I said.
"I can't pick between my best friends." She said.

"Who's rooting for me?" Said Draco.
"I can't believe these are the people I call my friends." He said.

(Theo's Pov)
June 26th
Today we find out who's valedictorian.
Miones stomach has been in knots all day,
I've been tryna calm her nerves.

"I can't eat, drink, pee, nothing." Said Mione.

"You gotta eat, you need energy to celebrate when you win." I said.

I wrapped my arm around her, and we walked to the great hall.

"I can't be in this room this is where it's all gonna happen." She said.

"I'm nervous too." Said Isabella walking over.
"So am I, but I'm not afraid of being in specific rooms." Said Draco.

Miones stomach growled, and her cheeks flushed.

"Someone's hungry." Said Draco.
"She hasn't eaten all day." I said.
"You two stay here. Draco, and I will grab food for you." Said Isabella.

They came back with food a few minutes later.
"I grabbed a sandwich, because it's not too filling. You won't feel sick eating it."
Said Isabella.

"Thanks." Said Miones grabbing it.
"Okay, we'll see you guys there." I said.

We apparated to our dorm, and she sat down.
I sat next to her, and grabbed her jaw.

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