32. Exams 📑

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(Mattheo's Pov)
December 19th
Todays exam day.

Hermione, and I are in the library, she promised she would help me once more.

"You alright? You're gripping that desk hard." Said Hermione.

I looked down at my white knuckles.

"Mattheo you can't stress yourself out.
If you do you're gonna start blanking."

"Easy for you to say. You know you're gonna do good."

"I've been tutoring you for a while, I won't allow you to do bad." Said Hermione.

"Alright." I said sighing.
"Let's go over the-"

"If I study anymore I'll forget it all.
My brain can't take it." I said.

"Are you sure? Once I stop I'll be too focused to help again." She said.

"Yeah don't worry." I said.
"Okay, I'll wish you luck before class starts."
"Alright bye."

I went straight to Fred and George.

"Hello." I said awkwardly.
"What's up." Said Fred.

"Let's put our quidditch fights in the past, I need something." I said.

"What do you need?" Asked George.
"Weed." I said.

"Is that a good idea? Exams are today."

"That's why I need it. I just need enough to calm me down." I said.

"If you say so. What do you want it as? A cookie?brownies?" Asked Fred

"Give me a second." Said Fred.

He apparated away, and I waited with George.
"Heard Miones been tutoring you." Said George.

"You like her?" He asked.

"It's complicated." I said.
"Ron's under the impression you guys are into each other." Said George.

Fred apparated back.
"Enjoy." He said handing me a ziplock.

"How much?" I asked.
"It's on the house. Poor guys stressed George, look at the nail marks on his palms." Said Fred.

I looked at my hands, and saw nail marks from forming fists for so long.

I apparated to the astronomy tower hoping I'd be alone, I wasn't.

"Hey Mattheo." Said Isabella.

Isabella and Draco stood there without an ounce of worry.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"It's a perfect day. Exams are gonna be easy, and it's snowing!" Said Isabella.

"I'm gonna go, see you guys." I said and apparated back.

(Draco's Pov)
"You think somethings up with Mattheo?"
Asked Isabella.

I was paying zero attention to Mattheo,
I couldn't stop looking at Isabella.

Her puffy jacket, her smile, pajama pants, the way she rubbed her hands together to keep warm.

"Not sure, why?"
"Something seems wrong." She said.

She put her hands up to her mouth, and exhaled, breathing warm air on her hands.

"Hands cold?"
She nodded.

I grabbed both of her hands, and closed mine over hers.

I liked the way her hands fit in mine.

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