38. Relationships ❤️💔

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(Isabella's Pov)
I woke up, and saw Enzo on his phone.
"Morning." I said.
"Morning." He said back.

"You're awake, now it's just Draco left."
Said Theo.

"See I don't sleep in the most." I said.
"This was one time." Said Mattheo.
"Wake up." I said pushing Draco.

He groaned, and pushed my hand away.

(Draco's Pov)
I gave something a thought last night.
Isabella said something along the lines of, you can't be jealous we're not dating.

But her and I basically are dating with no label.

I feel like I should just ask her out.
Even that day in the karaoke room.
She said it was gonna happen eventually, so why not make it official now?

I'll wait till later to ask, maybe after breakfast.
I'm not too worried to be honest.

Especially since Mattheos leaving for a month, that pressure of him will be off her.
And she'll need someone to fill the void.

I got up, and she smiled at me before hugging me. She brushed my hair out of my face, and kissed my cheek.

She does things a girlfriend would do.
Friends don't do that sorta stuff.

We headed downstairs for breakfast when a phone rang.

"Give me a second." Said Mattheo.

(Mattheo's Pov)
"Hey Astoria what's up?" I asked.
She was calling me.

"Mattheo, I need to talk to you, could you come to this restaurant?"

She sent me an address on my phone.

"Sure when?" I asked.
"Within the next hour? It's not far from the Manor." She said.
"I'll be there."
"Ok bye." Said Astoria.
"Bye." I said hanging up.

I sat back down.
"Who was that?" Asked Theo.
"Astoria, she said she needed to talk to me."
"Uh oh." Said Draco.
"Why?" I said.

"Did she sound serious? Happy? Angry?"
Said Draco.
"She was pretty neutral." I said.
"Wonder why?" Said Enzo.

I shrugged.
"You're not nervous?" Asked Theo.
"Should I be?"
"Mattheo have you ever had something serious with a girl? I don't mean hookups." Said Draco.

"No." I said.
"When a girl says she needs to talk to you, that's something to worry about." Said Enzo.

"Hasn't Isabella ever done that?" Asked Draco.

"No when she wants to talk to me she just starts talking. No warnings, no regards for the damage shes about to cause." I said.

"Shut up." Said Isabella punching my shoulder.

"So what should I do then?" I said.
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."
Said Enzo.

"It's only Astoria, I can handle her." I said.

Draco laughed.
"It doesn't matter how nice a girl is, their entire personality changes if they're pissed."

"Even if your bigger, and stronger you still find yourself scared." Said Theo.

"They turn into monsters." Said Draco.
"Shit you're right." I said looking at Isabella.

"So I should be worried." I said.
"That's what we're saying man." Said Theo.

Fuck now I was stressed.
"I's gonna be fine." Said Isabella.

"Nah, girls saying it's fine never means it's fine." Said Enzo.

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