45. Issues🙁

271 9 9

(Isabella's Pov)
I woke up with a pounding headache.
Who's dorm am I in?

"Good you're awake. I just called Draco, he'll be over to grab you soon." Said Grayson.

Everything came back to me.

"How are you feeling? You got pretty fucked up last night." He said sitting next to me.

My head hurt, I was exhausted, thirsty, and my throat was itching.

"Everything hurts." I groaned laying back down.
He grabbed a glass of water, and an ice pack.

He sat me up, and I leaned against the headboard. I felt groggy.

"Drink some water, you're pretty hungover."
He said handing me the cup.

I took a sip of water, and handed it back to him
He held the ice pack to my head, and I groaned in relief.

I leaned against him, and he wrapped his arm around me.

"Wait did you say Draco was coming?"
It just hit me now.

"I called him, I don't think he remembers me though." Said Grayson.
"Fuck, he's gonna kill me." I said.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and I jumped.

"It's open." Said Grayson.

The door opened, and I quickly got off of Grayson, and held the ice pack myself.

"Your not slick we saw." Said Jackson.

In walked Draco and Jackson. Draco ran over, and looked me up and down frowning.

"You idiot, let's go." Said Draco pulling me up.
I raised my hands, and he picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around him, and leaned on his shoulder.

"Don't think I'm not mad just because I'm carrying you." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Thanks Grayson, I remember you now."
Said Draco.

"From where?" I asked.

"In year 2 the year 7s came to be our older bud-" Draco froze, and looked at Grayson.

Draco counted his fingers.
"You're like 21." He said.
"Yeah." Said Grayson.

Fuck I shouldn't have asked.

Draco put me down, and walked over to him.
"What did you do with her? She's 16!"

"I didn't do anything man."

"Really? A drunk, attractive, and probably horny girl came to your dorm, and you didn't fuck her?" Asked Draco.

"We didn't even sleep in the same bed." I said.

"Bullshit." Said Draco.
"I'm serious." I said.

"I know when you lie Isabella. Did you force her into the bed?" Asked Draco.
"No I swear." Said Grayson.

"Draco he didn't do anything. If anything I was the one initiating."

"Isabella it's okay jus-"
"No it wasn't your fault." I said interrupting Grayson.

"I asked him to fuck me, and he refused when he saw I was drunk." I said.

"So you didn't refuse because she was 16, you refused because she drank." Draco laughed in disbelief.

"That's how she ended up in your dorm wasn't it? You were gonna shag her." Said Draco.

"At first yes, but I knew it was a bad idea."
He said.

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