85. Himiko and Angie (Fluff)

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"Do you want to pray together? I'll show you how" the artist greeted and the mage was next to her.

"Certainly, but are you sure it's fine? I'm not religious, and it's a little weird" the mage confirmed and the artist's hands were on her shoulders.

"It's fine, and can I hold your hand? It's not a lot, and I hope it doesn't bother you" the artist requested and the mage's forehead was on hers.

"Certainly, and thank you. But do you believe in magic? That's a basic question, and I hope it's not too invasive" the mage thanked her and the artist's fingers were on her chin.

"Yep, but are you afraid? There's nothing to worry about, and it's a fact" the artist responded and the mage's lips were on hers.

"No, not really, and can you tell me more about your culture? It's not a big deal" the mage requested and the artist's arms were around her waist.

"Definitely, and are you cold? I have a blanket" the artist agreed and the mage hummed.

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