32. Kokichi and Kazuichi (Fluff)

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Kokichi and Kazuichi were sitting on the couch, the supreme leader was wearing a black shirt and a pair of blue pants, while the ultimate mechanic was wearing a red and white jumpsuit.

"What's the matter?" The ultimate mechanic asked and the supreme leader didn't answer.

"It's nothing" the supreme leader lied and the ultimate mechanic wasn't convinced.

"Don't give me that crap" the ultimate mechanic snapped and the supreme leader was quiet.

"Come on, just tell me" the ultimate mechanic pleaded and the supreme leader didn't respond.

"Or is that another lie?" The ultimate mechanic inquired and the supreme leader's arm was around his shoulder.

"No, it's not" the supreme leader denied and the ultimate mechanic's hand was on his chest.

"Are you sure?" The ultimate mechanic questioned and the supreme leader sighed.

"No, I'm not" the supreme leader admitted and the ultimate mechanic kissed his cheek.

"There's nothing wrong with that" the ultimate mechanic told him and the supreme leader didn't look at him.

"Yes, there is" the supreme leader argued and the ultimate mechanic was hugging him.

"Why?" The ultimate mechanic inquired and the supreme leader didn't answer.

"You can tell me anything" the ultimate mechanic stated and the supreme leader was quiet.

"Hey, look at me" the ultimate mechanic said and the supreme leader's head was on his shoulder.

"Kokichi, what's the matter?" The ultimate mechanic asked and the supreme leader's hand was holding his.

"It's nothing, really" the supreme leader lied and the ultimate mechanic didn't speak.

"Are you sure?" The ultimate mechanic pushed and the supreme leader nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure" the supreme leader confirmed and the ultimate mechanic sighed.

"Then, what's the problem?" The ultimate mechanic questioned and the supreme leader's face was red.

"Nothing" the supreme leader lied and the ultimate mechanic was upset.

"Really? Then, why won't you tell me the truth?" The ultimate mechanic pressed and the supreme leader was blushing.

"Because it's embarrassing" the supreme leader replied and the ultimate mechanic's hand was touching his.

"Why? Just tell me" the ultimate mechanic told him and the supreme leader sighed.

"No" the supreme leader protested and the ultimate mechanic's hands were on his cheeks.

"Come on, I'm not going to judge you" the ultimate mechanic promised and the supreme leader's arms were around his neck.

"Do you really mean that?" The supreme leader questioned and the ultimate mechanic's hand was on his head.

"Yes, I really mean it" the ultimate mechanic replied and the supreme leader's lips were near his ear.

"I'm in love with you" the supreme leader confessed and the ultimate mechanic's arms were around his waist.

"Aw, are you serious?" The ultimate mechanic asked and the supreme leader was hiding his face.

"I know it's dumb" the supreme leader stated and the ultimate mechanic was smiling.

"No, it's not dumb" the ultimate mechanic disagreed and the supreme leader was silent.

"Yes, it is" the supreme leader said and the ultimate mechanic kissed his cheek.

"How is that dumb?" The ultimate mechanic inquired and the supreme leader sighed.

"Because it's stupid" the supreme leader muttered and the ultimate mechanic's finger was under his chin.

"It's not, so stop being like that" the ultimate mechanic told him and the supreme leader blushed.

"You're amazing" the supreme leader murmured and the ultimate mechanic kissed his forehead.

"So, are we good?" The ultimate mechanic asked and the supreme leader's mouth was on his.

"Yes, we're good" the supreme leader confirmed and the ultimate mechanic hugged him.

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