70. Tsumugi and Kyoko (Fluff)

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"Hey, are you watching a show? If not, can I sit next to you? It's lonely over here" the cosplayer greeted and the detective's arms were around her waist.

"I am, but what kind of show is it? You have my attention" the detective responded and the cosplayer was on her lap.

"It's a soap opera, but what are you watching? Can I see it?" The cosplayer asked and the detective hummed.

"Of course, it's just a documentary. Is that a problem?" The detective confirmed and the cosplayer shook her head.

"Not really, but can I kiss you? It would be nice" the cosplayer admitted and the detective put her lips on hers.

"Yes, but can you tell me who your favorite character is? Because I'm curious" the detective requested and the cosplayer giggled.

"My favorite is the villain, because he's fun" the cosplayer answered and the detective's hand was on her cheek.

"Okay, thanks, and do you want to watch another show? There are a lot" the detective requested and the cosplayer held her closer.

"Yeah, do you have any ideas? Because I can't think of any" the cosplayer responded and the detective kissed her.

"Maybe, but we can watch a movie if you'd like. It's up to you" the detective suggested and the cosplayer's forehead was on hers.

"Alright, I want to see the most popular one, do you have anything like that?" The cosplayer agreed and the detective nodded.

"Sure, but you can't see what it is. Do you trust me?" The detective requested and the cosplayer closed her eyes.

"Yeah, and don't worry. I can handle anything" the cosplayer stated and the detective played the movie.

Danganronpa Mini Love Stories (AI)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora