76. Byakuya and Celestia (Fluff)

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"I need a favor, so don't leave me alone" the heir instructed and the gambler's hand was on his chest.

"Why, is there a problem? Or is that not a possibility" the gambler confirmed and the heir put his arm around her neck.

"No, but are you busy? If not, I'd appreciate it" the heir inquired and the gambler's fingers were on his collar.

"It depends, and I can't give you any details. Just know that I'll be done in a few minutes" the gambler answered and the heir kissed her.

"That's great, and I'll wait. Do what you need to do" the heir informed her and the gambler's lips were on his knuckles.

"Thank you, and don't get mad. You're a wonderful person, and that's a fact" the gambler thanked him and the heir's forehead was on hers.

"Okay, can I make a suggestion? It's a small one, so don't worry" the heir responded and the gambler hummed.

"Alright, I'm listening" the gambler confirmed and the heir put his hand on her waist.

"We should hang out, it would be nice. How does that sound" the heir suggested and the gambler kissed him.

"Great, and I'll let you know. But when are you planning to do this? It's important" the gambler thanked him and the heir hugged her.

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