10. Ibuki and Hiyoko (Fluff)

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"Let's dance!"

Hiyoko and Ibuki were sitting on the bed.

"W-what?" The blonde girl asked and the musician smiled.

"I want to dance with you, Hiyoko" she said and the other blushed.

"Why would you want that?" She asked and the musician smiled.

"I think we would look cute together" she said and the other's face was red.

"Y-you're crazy" she said and Ibuki smiled.

"I know" she said and grabbed her hand, the blonde looked at her.

"So, what do you say?" She asked and the dancer nodded.

"Fine" she said and the musician smiled.

"Perfect, now what kind of dance should we do?" She asked and the other thought.

"I-i don't know, what do you have in mind?" She asked and the musician smiled.

"A slow dance would be nice" she said and the other rolled her eyes.

"You're a weirdo" she said and the musician smiled.

"You should have guessed that by now" she said and Hiyoko smiled.

"Yeah, you're right" she said and the musician looked at her.

"Do you have any music?" She asked and the blonde pulled her phone out.

"What would you like?" She asked and the musician giggled.

"You choose" she said and the other looked through her phone, then found a song.

"Is this fine?" She asked and Ibuki smiled.

"Sure, just press play" she said and the other obeyed.

"Let's dance" Ibuki said and grabbed the blonde's hand, then put her other hand on her waist.

"Like this" she said and started dancing, the blonde was blushing and was trying to keep up.

"You're good" she said and the other smiled.

"You're a fast learner" she said and the blonde looked away.

"Whatever" she said and the other giggled.

"So, how do you like dancing?" Ibuki asked and the other thought.

"It's okay, I guess" she said and the musician smiled.

"Well, if you ever want to do it again, just tell me" she said and the blonde smiled.

"I will" she said and they kept dancing, both girls were having fun and were smiling, their bodies were close to each other and they were blushing.

"I'm glad we're friends" the musician said and the other nodded.

"Yeah, me too" she said and the song ended.

"Do you want to dance another one?" Ibuki asked and the other nodded.

"Of course" she said and pressed play.

"Then let's dance" the musician said and they did the same dance.

"Can I kiss you?" Hiyoko asked and the other nodded.

"You may" she said and the blonde kissed her, both girls were blushing and the dancer pulled away.

"W-was that okay?" She asked and the musician nodded.

"That was perfect" she said and the dancer giggled.

"Good" she said and the music stopped, the blonde's phone died.

"I'll take you to your room" the musician said and the dancer nodded.

"I'd love that" she said and they left the room, the blonde was holding the other's hand.

"Today was fun" she said and the musician smiled.

"Indeed, I'm glad" she said and they got to the blonde's room, the door was locked.

"I'll have to stay with you until the morning" Ibuki said and the other giggled.

"I'll have to lock you in my room then" she said and the other kissed her cheek.

"I wouldn't mind" she said and the dancer unlocked the door, then went inside and the other followed her.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Hiyoko said and the other nodded.

"Do you want me to join you?" She asked and the blonde's face turned red.

"S-sure" she said and the musician giggled.

"I'll be there in a second" she said and the blonde went to the bathroom, Ibuki followed her.

"What would you like me to do?" She asked and the dancer thought.

"Could you wash my hair?" She asked and the musician smiled.

"Sure" she said and did as the blonde asked, her hands were massaging the dancer's head and she was purring.

"You're really good at this" she said and the other smiled.

"Thanks, I learned this from my mom" she said and the other smiled.

"I'll miss you" she said and the musician blushed.

"Why?" She asked and the dancer smiled.

"I'll go to school tomorrow, it's been so long" she said and the other nodded.

"I know, but we'll be able to see each other, it's not like we're leaving forever" she said and the blonde nodded.

"Still, I'll miss you" she said and the musician smiled.

"And I'll miss you" she said and pulled the blonde's body closer to her own, they were kissing.

"I love you" Hiyoko said and the other nodded.

"Me too" she said and continued kissing the blonde, they stayed like that until they got tired.

"We should sleep" the musician said and the blonde nodded, they got out of the shower and got dressed.

"Can you help me put my kimono on?" Hiyoko asked and the other did as she was told, her fingers were brushing against the dancer's skin and the other shivered.

"Done" the musician said and the blonde kissed her cheek.

"Thank you" she said and laid down, Ibuki did the same.

"Sweet dreams, Hiyoko" the musician said and the blonde kissed her lips.

"Good night" she said and the other nodded, they held hands and fell asleep.

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