42. Kaito and Gundham (Fluff)

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"What are you looking at, Gundham?" Kaito asked and the ultimate breeder turned around.

"Nothing, don't worry" the ultimate breeder answered and the astronaut was next to him.

"You're lying, I can tell" the astronaut pointed out and the ultimate breeder sighed.

"Am I really that obvious?" The ultimate breeder questioned and the astronaut was silent.

"Well, a little" the astronaut admitted and the ultimate breeder crossed his arms.

"If I wanted you to know, I would have told you" the ultimate breeder reminded him and the astronaut frowned.

"Why not?" The astronaut asked and the ultimate breeder put his hand on his cheek.

"Because, Kaito, you have a short attention span" the ultimate breeder responded and the astronaut's face was red.

"What do you mean?" The astronaut wondered and the ultimate breeder sighed.

"Forget about it" the ultimate breeder advised him and the astronaut grabbed his wrist.

"No, tell me" the astronaut ordered and the ultimate breeder looked away.

"Why can't you accept it?" The ultimate breeder questioned and the astronaut pulled him closer.

"Accept what?" The astronaut replied and the ultimate breeder kissed him.

"That's all I have to say" the ultimate breeder admitted and the astronaut smiled.

"I guess that was okay" the astronaut stated and the ultimate breeder's hands were on his chest.

"What did you want me to tell you?" The ultimate breeder inquired and the astronaut's hand was on his head.

"I can't remember" the astronaut confessed and the ultimate breeder was silent.

"I should've expected that" the ultimate breeder told him and the astronaut's head was on his shoulder.

"But it's fine, because you're cute" the ultimate breeder complimented him and the astronaut's face was red.

"Did you have to call me cute?" The astronaut wondered and the ultimate breeder's arms were around his neck.

"Yes" the ultimate breeder confirmed and the astronaut sighed.

"Then, I'll have to call you cute too" the astronaut informed him and the ultimate breeder blushed.

"Fine" the ultimate breeder agreed and the astronaut kissed him.

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