Gender reveal!!

380 16 3

28th November 2020

Yesterday we went for our Gender reveal scan, and Ami wanted to arrange a gender reveal party for me as I did for her, so instead of looking at the scans, the results were placed into an envelope and handed over to my sister so she could begin setting up the party, she was hosting it at our house, it would've been at the studio but my back and legs had been killing me with the constant strain on them from walking around. I had technically been put on bedrest because of the pains, but with the help of crutches and, if we had to go out, a wheel chair, issued by the hospital until after I gave birth, I could get around decently. I could walk short distance, up and down the stairs but after some time I would resort to my crutches, and I knew I would need to use them today, because I would be greeting a lot of people and standing a lot. But for now, at least until the party preparations had finished, I was demanded to stay in bed while Demi and Ami set up the back yard. Even though I was bedbound I had to get dressed and put some makeup on because there was no way I was going to be going out and talking to people while looking like I hadn't seen daylight for a month. 

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When everyone had arrived Demi came upstairs to me and helped me up so I could go and greet everyone

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When everyone had arrived Demi came upstairs to me and helped me up so I could go and greet everyone. The decorations looked absolutely amazing so I went straight over to Ami so that I could thank her. After thanking my sister, I greeted everyone who showed up, friends, family, even a few co-workers, but looking around, I grew solemn, trav was here with his new partner, and roommate, Miles, and it felt weird reaching such a milestone, without Izzy present. "You okay, doll?" Demi said, approaching me with a hug from behind "yeah, it's just weird not having Izzy here" I replied with a sigh, I could feel her nodding against my back "she's here in spirit" Demi said kissing my cheek and allowing me to go and talk to more people.

Like I suspected, I had to resort to my crutches after a while, to make the pain a little easier, but I lasted a lot longer than I had originally thought. "Right, can the mother's to be please make their way up here!" Ami shouted atop a makeshift stage on out patio that had two, what seemed to be, noughts and crosses boards, on it. One of the boards was labelled Baby A and the other Baby B. "Okay starting with Baby A, you both will pick a tile and turn it over, I t will wither be pink, or blue, and at some point you will connect three blues or three pinks on the board, that will be your baby gender. Sydney, you start." I looked at Demi and said "top middle" so she could flip it over, revealing the pink colour on the other side. We continued this with both boards until there was only one tile left on both. Then, simultaneously, we flipped the final tiles over, reading both of the boards, Baby A was a boy, and baby B was a girl.

Baby boards:

Baby boards:

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The moment the boards were complete, Demi jumped up and down and lifted me into a tight embrace, tears falling down both our faces

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The moment the boards were complete, Demi jumped up and down and lifted me into a tight embrace, tears falling down both our faces.  Everyone present clapped and cheered and Demi kissed me softly "I love you" she whispered, sniffling a little, "I love you more" I replied, wiping her cheeks and kissing her again. Ami asked us to pose so we could get a photo to post on social media, so we stood in between both of the boards, with pink and blue balloons behind us, Demi held onto my stomach, gently lifting it up to give me some relief, , and she kissed me as Ami snapped the photo on my phone before handing it over to me so I could put it on our social media pages. 

we continued to talk to people for the rest of the day, receiving lots of congratulations as we spoke to them and when the time hit 4pm, almost everyone had left, except from Ami who stayed behind to clean up, but she had drank quite a lot so she wasn't much help. I knew she was drunk, so did demi but I really didn't expect her to say what she did next.... 

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now