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Without thinking I stormed over to her, unloading all my frustration on her "WHERE WERE YOU?! HUH! WHERE?! WHY?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!" I dropped to my knees with her wrapping her arms around me, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." For the first time in six years I had heard my sister's voice again. "No... You're not sorry." I backed away from her climbing to my feet again. "Em-" "that's not my name... But of course you wouldn't know that because you gave up too fucking soon." "You don't understand how hard it is for me!" I knew what she meant and I really couldn't stop myself from snapping at her. "Really! Because last time I checked I was the most understanding person you knew! You don't seem to understand that I struggle too!" She looked like she was about to cry "you don't get it..." "I do! That's what YOU don't understand! I know how hard it is to wake up, take that pill and get on with my life because I have to do it too!" She was taken aback by the confession"wait... Seriously" I huffed at her nodding "I guess we're a lot more alike than I hoped we were." My face was blank, cold and she was visibly hurt. "I have nowhere to go..." Her voice was shaky "why?" I replied crouching down next to her. "Because I'm knocked up, unemployed and my boyfriend kicked me out. That a good enough answer for you?"

I sighed at her "how far along?" She looked at me, wiping the tears off her cheek "four months, only found out a few days ago, too late to get rid so Isaac kicked me to the curb.. fuck I was doing so well too! Taking my meds, getting better, looking for a job..." I cut her off there "looking for a job where?" "Nashville Tennessee..." "You came here from Nashville! How?" I asked, genuinely confused "one thing about having an arsehole boyfriend, you learn to keepsake your money.. hide it away 'til you need it." She laughed standing up and holding her hand out to me. I took it and stood with her "how's mom, dad-" "mom's a bitch and dad's dead.. oh yeah, you missed that. You also missed the whole part of Oli knocking a girl up at 16, you have a niece, her name's Marcy, oli's engaged and lives with his fiancé and mother of his child Monica." "Damn I missed a lot huh?" I nodded at her and continued to talk about the shit she had missed, like what I had changed my name to and what happened to Jeremiah, I hadn't even realised that demi had joined us until her arms wrapped around me from behind.

I turned to face her and she looked... Concerned. "I'm sorry. About earlier, I was stressed and anxious and I didn't know why until now" I said turning back to my sister "yeah... Who is that?" My girlfriend asked "because it seemed like she's fucking hurt you before based on your reaction of seeing her" my sister held her hand out to Demi "I'm Ami, Sydney's sister, you must be Demi" My girlfriend was reluctant to take Ami's hand, after all, my memory of her wasn't the best. "Dem it's okay, she's not here to cause any damage" I said, clutching to the arm of my girlfriend, she eventually took my sister's hand "yeah... We'll see" I knew it hurt my sister for the manor in which Demi spoke but she was just trying to protect me.

*Time skip* (29th October 2018)

We had agreed to let Ami stay in our guest room under the circumstances that: she pays $50 per month, she takes her meds every day (if I have to so does she), she buys her own food if she doesn't like what's in the cupboards already, she finds a job and she visits the rest of the family, sooner rather than later. Ami's relationship with our mother was similar to mine, in the sense that they didn't get on well with each other but that didn't mean my mom didn't miss her.

"So I have the place to myself on Sunday after 6:30 because both of you are at work?" My sister asked, leaning on the kitchen counter "yes. But that doesn't mean you can be doing stupid shit." I replied taking my cup of coffee from the machine "can I have one?" "Have you already had one?" "Yeah-" "then no. You're pregnant, only one cup a day, you can have decaf but that's it." I smiled at my sister, she began to pout and huff but I needed to make sure she was taking care of herself and her child. "So, you have no clothes, correct?" She nodded in response "right, I'll drive you, if you can't pay I'll pay for you but I want the money back Ami" she perked up and smiled, nodding at me. I sort of felt bad for her, she had nothing to her name until she got a job, other than what she had used to get here. Demi still hadn't quite warmed up to her either, she was reluctant to let Ami live with us but I made her promise me that she'd give her a chance.

I really had hope for my sister, I knew what she was capable of, good or bad and I knew how to shut down the bad before it became worse than what it already was, I knew that it'd take a while for Demi to really trust Ami but I was willing to make the sacrifice. After all, Ami still is my sister and even though she had caused a lot of pain by running away, I loved her dearly and all she really needed was help. I had my doubts and believe me I was cautious about her but if she could prove she had changed then that was all I needed...

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now