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Click. It was the front door. It was Jeremiah.

Suddenly I stopped crying, I wasn't sad or frustrated, I was angry. "Sydney dont" Izzy said trying to hold me back. She failed to do so and I barged past her, walking in on Jeremiah, in his work clothes although they were rough and untidy. I stormed over to him "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM! YOU REALLY THOUGHT I WOULDN'TFIND OUT!!" he looked down at me "find out what? That I had a big project and was over joshes house with stacy to work on it. Look don't believe me ask my mother..." I looked at him in shock and disbelief "I talked to Josh..." he froze "Josh hadn't seen you all day. I'm not stupid Jeremiah..." he turned to face me, walked over and kissed me. I shoved him off of me "are you insane!" He looked at me and pulled his collar down, then I noticed it. I laughed sadistically at the purple mark which lay on his neck, one I knew I hadn't put there, I hadn't touched his neck in weeks. "You're a prick." A single tear rolled down my face, and I turned away from him. I couldn't stop the psychotic grin from spreading across my face when my eyes met with trav "syd" I pounced on the cheating dick that stood behind me, tearing into him with curse words and punching the ever-living Christ put of him. "Syd- stop it- get- off-" I felt both Isabelle and Travis pull me off of him and he backed into a corner "if I were you, I'd keep quiet about this, I don't know if you've noticed but we just kept you alive, so now you owe me and trav, keep this a secret and I might think of letting you live" Izzy said as trav lugged me into his room. He sat me down on their bed and talked to me, calming me down. Jeremiah sat outside of his car and I walked down with all of his belongings "you were lucky iz and trav pulled me off of you, word gets out or you come back and they will not help you, got it" I said dropping his bags at his feet, he made no attempt to fight for my live for him, finally getting the message that I never wanted to see him again. I told Josh about our breakup and he promised not to be friends with either Stacy or Jeremiah.

I needed some freedom, I couldn't drive on my own, I was too angry to drive with others in the car, so I went to the rooftop. There was a seating are and an outdoor lounge that viewed the city below. It was a safe haven. I took my phone out of my pocket and turn my headphones on before turning my music on, I wanted to drown out everything around me. I played with the mocking Jay necklace that hung around my neck, leaning back in the chairs and looking to the stars, the necklace belonged to my father, I never took it off. Tears rolled down my cheeks with every memory that passed through my mind, the good, the bad, the worse. No matter how many people were present in my life, I felt so alone, my dad was the only person who truly understood me, I couldn't take the grief when he passed, I took 4 months off of work and refused to go in after my leave. My anxiety and depression were worse than ever before, there was always one star that shone brighter than the rest "hi dad.... how's it going for you there. Probably a lot better than here. I'm really struggling you know? I wish you were still here... you'll be happy to know me and Jeremiah split, for good. It's not the same without you here... I'd kill for a hug right now, I haven't eaten properly since your funeral, I'm sorry, my appetite has changed drastically and I can't stomach too much..."

I carried on talking to a fucking star for what felt like minutes but were really hours, I was hoping it was my father listening to me, in the afterlife, he'd know how to help me in my situation. I checked my phone for the time and found it to be 2:30AM, I had received a few messages from Jeremiah, Stacy, Jess (jeremiahs mother) and I ignored all of them, I once trusted Stacy with my whole heart and she had gone against my trust. I headed back down towards my shared apartment, clicking the door open as quietly as possible, locking it behind me. I made my way to the kitchen and took my meds with a glass of water before heading to my room.

I couldn't sleep after today's events and I found myself looking through the wrestlers Instagram. I needed to stop, I had scrolled through pretty much her entire feed for about an hour, she had a boyfriend... shit. I shut off my phone and cuddled into the duvet covers, my first night in a bed on my own, it was strange but also freeing to get rid of the toxic man hat dragged my life down. Eventually after what seemed like forever I drifted off to sleep, not noticing that I had received a message by someone...her

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now