damage control

715 25 1

16th October 2018 14:30

I had been beat up pretty badly by belair and my body was beyond exhausted, so I hadn't been training, demi of course was still going to the gym and I'd spot her but I had no intention of doing any training myself. I had noticed that some girls, the same girls that had commented on my eating habits, were once again paying a lot of mind to me again, and I was done with whatever they had to say anymore. "I'll be back in a moment, I need to ask nick something" I said, kissing my girlfriend on her forehead, she nodded and continued with her sets of deadlifts. I went over to reception where Nick stood "who are they" I said pointing at the girls "Christina and Sadie. Why?" I smiled "can you revoke their contracts?" "I could. But I'd need a reason, a reason that they injured someone or were using the equipment incorrectly, something that would breach their contract" I pulled my face, they hadn't breached their contracts, technically. "Sydney, don't do something stupid. I know what they're like with you. They just wanna get in your head" "so you know what they're doing and you aren't doing anything about it!" "Syd! I can't do anything about it! They haven't breached their contracts, there's nothing I can do!" I rolled my eyes, it wasn't his fault and believe me I didn't blame him but I was done with their bullshit, if they could talk about me they could say it to my face.

"What you saying about me now." I said walking over to them, I hadn't realised yet but demi had stopped her workout and was observing what I was doing. "Oh, us. Just talking about how she shouldn't be with you. You're not worth it." Sadie laughed at her friends comments "keep going." "The way you eat is fucking disgusting and you're not fooling anyone with that intimidation technique of being a fucking pathetic wrestler." A smile began to form on my face, that's when Demi made her way over to me, a smile was never good when I was pissed off. I felt her hand on my shoulder "so who are you two?" She said inching me back ever so slightly "hi, I'm Sadie and this is Christina. We just want to say that we're big fans of you-" "I don't give a shit. Now I could let her rip you both apart but for her sake I'm not going to. Talk about her again and I wont think twice about stopping her. She deserves me just as much as I deserve her and as for her eating habits, she doesn't over eat in fact she very rarely eats and when she does you two drive her to the point of purging it so next time you wanna talk about the way someone eats think about the way you two eat. How much you eat. How many times you've gone to get takeout right after training, if you can call it that, a few squats and a treadmill won't do shit, put the work in next time." The smile growing on my face getting wider with every word she spoke, the two girls shocked and Quick to leave. I turned to her, the smug look on my girlfriend's face "thank you" I said to her grabbing her cheek, she connected her lips to mine for a minute "it's okay, no one gets to be a prick to my baby. No one." She replied, kissing me again. After finishing her training session we headed to the store for some food then went home so demi could shower.

She sat down next to me after her shower, her hair still soaked and water droplets falling down her chest. She placed her arm behind me and pulled me a little closer "what you staring at" she said, that smug look returning after she caught me following the water droplets down into her chest. "Nothing.." I felt my cheeks heat up at her laughter. She took my face, pulling it closer and connecting my lips with hers, her kiss became more heated by the second but she refused to go any further than kissing, I finally got understanding that she wanted me to make the next move. My hand pulled down at her shorts, and that's when her mouth moved to my neck, I began to trail kisses down her body, allowing her to just sit back and enjoy my touch. I pulled her underwear to one side after kissing her thighs for a while, she immediately showed her enjoyment, grunting and cursing under her breath. The more she enjoyed herself the more sounds she made, only causing me to go deeper until she finished. I pulled away from her but she was quick to kiss me once again. Her smile not fading as she pulled away "I didn't know you were submissive" I joked with her, causing her to roll her eyes at me, I stood up but quickly got pulled back over to my girlfriend "you really thought I'd be submissive and just let you go?" I just smiled at her as she flipped me onto my back, she then moved towards my waist, ready to please me...

She kissed me, I could still taste myself in her mouth but I didn't care, neither did she, she picked me up taking me to the bathroom, I began to brush my teeth and demi returned with some clean underwear and pyjamas for me to wear, I thanked her with a nod, watching her as she copied the task of brushing her teeth. I changed into the items handed to me and noticed her glancing at me, a smirk peeking around the corner of her mouth, "take a picture it might last longer" I joked laughing at her. She looked down at me, her smirk growing, one quick swoop and she had me in her arms walking over the bed, she threw me onto the bed "don't move." Was all she said as she moved to her bedside, grabbing her phone "dem what are you-" "you said take a picture, so I'm taking a picture" I laughed throwing a pillow at her "it's a figure of speech dem dem" she climbed on top of me, kissing me a few times "I know, I just felt like making you blush" I laughed "did you?" She showed me the photo she caught of me, a pink tint on my cheeks "well shit." She laughed at my defeat, laying down next to me. I snuggled up to her chest, throwing a blanket over the both of us. she sat stroking my arm, her eyes slowly closing. I slowly followed her, struggling to keep my eyes open after our antics earlier on....

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