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It had been 4 weeks since I handed my title to Kairi and she was still the NXT title holder, which was good considering, I wanted that title. I was once again at on of the places I hated the most, but for good reason this time. It was my check up to see if I needed to keep the brace on.

However as much as I wanted this thing off, I was scared because I was alone... Demi was feeling unwell. Or so she had told me, I'm not quite sure why but something felt odd about her today. I knew she had an apartment viewing in the morning but it had passed by now, and she still hadn't arrived home and she was still not answering me, even though she was online.

I couldn't let it get to me though considering I was nervous enough in the hospital. I was seen almost immediately so it wasn't too bad being on my own. My doctor came in a few minutes after I sat down on the bed. "Well Sydney, how have you been feeling?" "Okay, I mean these past few days I've been able to walk without the crutches and the pain is pretty much gone." "That's good, so no extra pain then and what about movement, can you bed it?" He said examining my injured knee that lay flat on the bed. "Yeah hold on..." I slowly bent my knee sto the point where the brace stopped me from going any further. "Any pain when you do this?" "No" he pulled the brace off my leg and twisted my body so I could stand. "I want you to bed your leg all the way, and then walk to my door and back to here before I run any tests" he said, so I did, it was pretty painless I only struggled in the beginning since I hadn't been able to walk without the brace for a while.

After the motor tests he brought me in for an x-ray just to make sure everything was fine. It took about 10 minutes for my x-ray results to come back, and when it did, I got the news I had waited so long for. "Well your knee seems to be completely healed, I would take it easy for a little bit, especially on the wrestling thing I'd say leave it for a week, just to get your legs back in shape, then start heavy training them and wrestling again. You can train, just lighter than you usually do, okay" I nodded at home with a smile on my face and he handed me an orange bottle with pills in them "only take these if you are in any pain, if the pain becomes too much come back here and I'll get you seen as quickly as possible alright syd" "yeah, thank you so much." I said as I left the hospital.

I called demi to pick me up... and no answer. You know what, screw it. I thought to myself, the studio was pretty close, I had keys and I needed to let go for a while. Once I made it to the studio however, I felt off again, something was wrong but I couldn't pin what. I shook it off and made my way up to my dad's office, it looked exactly how I left it, I wanted to continue the mural but my clothes were brand new and I really didn't want to get paint in them, so I sat on the sofa with my dad's acoustic guitar, scrolling through my playlist to see what song I could play. I landed on a song by calpurnia and it was called "say it ain't so"

I was so invested in playing the song that I didn't even notice my phone had been going off, like a lot.

Izz wizz




Where r u!!!!!!

There's something you need to know.

I don't wanna tell you over text.

Tell me where you are. I'll pick u up.

I'm coming I found it GPS signal.

--end of conversation--

I was confused by the whole situation but prepared myself for the worst. Next thing I know Isabelle is banging on the door for me to come out. I opened the door and she dragged me home so she could say whatever she needed to. It didn't make sense at first until she said that trav got a better view of whatever they saw. "So.. trav will correct me if I'm wrong in anything I say. I don't want you to get angry but..." panic shot through izzys eyes as she spoke and soon found herself unable to talk properly. "Spit it out iz!" I said, getting frustrated by the suspense. Trav looked at Izzy who gave them the go ahead to take over. "We think you should end things with demi..." my heart dropped the second he said that phrase. "Why." The anger in my voice was growing the more I thought about what I was just told. "We... saw her with Dimitri and they were holding hands" I was taken aback by everything trav was saying to me.

I didn't know whether to scream or cry but I believed them when they showed me the video, it was from today, was only 9 seconds ling but those 9 seconds were enough to see that what they were saying was true. I began to cry and left the apartment, my friends did little to stop me, knowing that I wanted to be alone. I broke from reality as I sat on the ledge of the rooftop, tears streaming down my face and my music so loud that I couldn't hear a thing others than the songs playing. This made it able for demi to come to the rooftop without me noticing her, but I knew she was behind me.

"Syd-" "save it. I've seen enough" I said, agitated and heartbroken. She grabbed my arm, preventing my from leaving. "No you haven't!" She said, her tone matching mine. "Then what did I see Dem! Because it sure as hell looks like you were holding his hand!" I replied. She was taken aback by my anger toward her but still managed to get one sentence out "It's not what you think..." I looked at her in disbelief, I knew I was gonna regret my next sentence but I needed alone time. "You're not welcome here tonight. Stay somewhere else..." I pulled my arm away from demi and went back into the apartment. Isabelle and Travis tried to convince me to let demi talk even though literally moments ago they were saying I should break up with her. I ignored them both, heading straight to my room and locking the door behind me. I went straight into my bathroom, the person in the mirror was heartbroken and felt completely worthless, so when I eyed up the razors on my shelf I couldn't stop myself....

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now