decisions decisions....

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I hadn't slept, eaten or left my room in 24 hours. My door was locked, I knew demi was here still, I had no idea where she slept the night I found out about the Dimitri incident, I knew demi, Izzy and trav were worried about me. My phone had been left on  silent and I was ignoring everyone who tried to make contact with me. I looked into my bathroom, the blood in the sink matching the blood on my arms, the razor placed exactly where I left it, I opened my cabinet and pulled out some alcohol wipes, cotton swabs and bandages. I ran the tap and watched the blood was away from my sink while cleaning up my arms and wrapping them in the bandages.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

My bedroom door caught my attention, whoever was stood behind the door wanted to talk but I didn't, I stared down my door waiting for someone to speak but it never happened, instead a piece of paper slid under it. I walked over and picked up the paper opening it and reading it

Syd. We need to know that you're okay, unlock the door please. If you don't, we will. W̶e̶  I don't want to, it's the last thing I want to do but I need to know that you're alright.


I now needed to make a decision, fight or flight. I could climb out of my window and go down the fire exit stairs, or I could face them and face their disappointment. I couldn't face them, it knocked me sick just thinking about it, I opened my window and jumped onto the fire exit stairs. I had my keys, my phone, a change of clothes and my credit card. When I got to the bottom I ran into the garage and started my car, I didn't know where I was going to go, but I did have a few options. Firstly I drove through a Starbucks for some food and a drink, after I paid I decided on where I was going to go but first I needed to get changed. I pulled into the parking lot and took my clothes into the bathroom to get changed.

I was back on the road in minutes and decided to go to my brothers house, he wouldn't tell on me unless it was absolutely necessary, he took good care of me in my darkest days a d he knew how to help me through the intrusive thoughts. I repeatedly knocked on his door until Monica opened it, letting me in immediately. "Sydney! What the- OLI!!" Monica quickly sprung into action, taking Marcy out of the room and sitting me down somewhere safe. A few moments later and she returned with my brother who stood in shock at the sight of my whole body trembling and the old mascara streaming down my face.

After he cleaned up my face, he asked me a few questions like "have you hurt yourself" "have you cleaned up properly" "What happened?" Etcetera etcetera, I explained everything that had gone on and after a while of sitting with my niece a knock on his front door caused me to panic again. He opened the door and demi burst through, running straight over to me. "Do you have any idea how worried we have been!" She said attempting to grab my arms, I pushed her away turning to my brother "did you tell her!" I shouted at him, he frantically shook his head "No syd! I swear!" He replied to me, demi interrupted him by saying "No. He didn't have to- I saw your car outside..." I looked at the woman in front of me, she hadn't slept, she was worried and her face was red and puffy from I'm guessing, crying. Maybe I should let her explain herself...

"Oli, I'll see you later." I said walking past demi, I had made the decision to let her talk, after all I wanted to know more. I drove home with demi following behind me the entire time. When I got back to the apartment Isabelle and Travis were just as worried as demi, relief passed through them when they saw my face. As much as I wanted to ha e my friends with me, demi needed to talk to me alone. I took her to my bedroom and sat down on my bed, letting her talk. "Well. Talk." I snapped, wanting to get this over and done with. "Well, it's true. I did hold his hand, but it really wasn't what you thought it was. The place we were stood outside of was a bar. He was drunk and when Dimitri is drunk he starts fights, he was in no state for a fight so I stepped in to stop anything. He was convinced that I was still with him, but I promise I'm not. I took advantage to not let him get in trouble, I mean as much of an ass that he is, he is my friend now and I protect my friends. I told him that I wanted to go home so he took my hand and I walked him home. I have security footage with audio if you need proof.." She looked desperate for forgiveness, but I needed to know one more thing. "Why did you ignore me all day?" I asked, she sighed "I hate myself for ignoring you but it was because of this." She handed me a small box with a key inside.

I looked at the Aussie in shock "if I answered you it would've slipped." I sat in silence for a moment " you got the house. Why do I need a key?" Stupid question I know but you can't blame me, I'm in shock. Demi leant down to look directly at me, she took my hands in hers and took one breath before saying "I know we haven't really been together long, but Sydney you have made my life so much better, which is why I want you to move with me. So, Will you?" I looked at the woman in front of me and imagined my future with her, I smiled at the though of growing together.

I looked back at my next decisions, say yes and live with demi for the rest of your life, with possible arguments. Or say no and stick with my best friends. I took a deep breath before answering "Demi, I......

To be continued...


~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now