Baszler Vs Serenity! AGAIN

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Our interviews and photoshoots went really well yesterday, me and Becky had been getting along really well, both of us being from Ireland  we could reminis about home and the traditions that we missed.

It was nice to have a new friend because then I'd know at least one person if I got moved  to a different roster. Ronda was pretty cool, a little bitchy at times but still she did let down this wall of intimidation at times to actually have a joke and a laugh with us. Demi was also really comfortable with expressing our relationship with everyone there which was really great because it showed that she had no regrets. Tonight It was all about me and Shayna having a championship qualification match, which would allow Shayna, if she won, to ask for a title match whenever she wanted. I knew that if she won she'd have that mindset that she could beat me and take my title whenever she wanted to. I already had Bianca with that mindset and I knew she would be looking for a title match soon.  There was a lot of pressure on my back and I couldn't let my fans down. I was in the gorilla, having just come out of hair and makeup, watching demi get interviewed from afar.

(With updated hair tho, not the green one)

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(With updated hair tho, not the green one)

I was sorta in love with this gear tonight and I was definitely going to have to wear it again. Shayna wouldn't stop looking at the athletic tape on my arm, almost as if she had been plotting to damage it, one thing she didn't know was I had been training a lot and with the martial arts classes I hosted I had taught a lot of people how to break damaging holds, including hers and I had trained with Matt Riddle a little bit as well, and he had also been helping with submission breaks.

I was pumping myself up, jumping from side to side in the wings, waiting for Shayna's intro to play out before mine can cue.


I walked out, performing my usual intro and making sure to pay attention to fans, I tossed my signature jacket to the crew members on the side of the ring and climbed into the ring.  My eye contact with baszler only breaking when we were announced as champion and challenger. I handed over my title, pointing at it, this wasn't a championship match so I wouldn't loose my belt if I lost but it would give baszler a title match, which I didn't want. The moment the bell rung I ran for baszler, clothes lining her and making her roll out of the ring in shock. I pulled my face and taunted her thriving at the people shouting "you're a chicken!"in between claps to baszler. She took a moment before attempting to come back into the the ring, rolling out when I took two steps toward her.  I was asked to step back so she could actually get back in the ring, she stood opposite me, circling me and trying to scout her next moves. I ran towards her again but one slap across my face and I was caught off guard, she locked her had around my left wrist and twisted it into the familiar lock that put me in a brace. I pretended to panic, knowing she would thrive from it but as her confidence grew I shattered it by rolling back and reversing the pressure on my arm, it was no longer twisted and she was shook. In her state of shock I rolled her up and she only just managed to kick out of the pin.

I kicked her from her stomach to her chest and finally drop kicking her face to the point where she was on the ground and putting her in a California clutch with a body triangle, after struggling for a moment she hooked her foot on the rope forcing me to break my hold on her. I couldn't let her gain offence so I held onto her, springing off the top rope into the codebreaker. She was dazed yet still managed to chain some offence together, after kicking out she kicked my chest and drove me into the turnbuckles, digging her shoulder into my mid section. I was trying to push her off but she didn't stop until the ref counted 1-4, letting go before a disqualification.

She ran toward me again, this time I jumped over her, she planted herself into the turnbuckles where I had just stood. I crouched down, putting her legs on my shoulders and lifting her up into the air, powerbombing her into the canvas. Yet again she kicked out with so much momentum it flung me forward to the point where I smacked my chin into the canvas. This gave her the opportunity to take advantage, and she did, she stomped onto the back of my neck, making me scream in pain, she then pulled me into a California clutch to the point where I couldn't breathe and the pain in my neck was getting worse, I grabbed her left arm, straightening it out onto my thigh, holding her wrist so it was bent in a painful position, I held he in place with my left hand and swung into her straight arm directly where her arm can bend, she broke the hold, standing up and trying her hardest to shake off the pain, while that was happening I was on the canvas, choking and gasping for air, she had held on to that lock so tight that I really could not breathe.

I regretted my decision to sit up, recieving her boot to my throat again, my vocal chords becoming more strained and breaking at any loud expression of pain that my body forced me to project. I just wanted this match to be over with but I wasn't gonna get that unless one of us was pinned. And it couldn't be me. I stood up, rubbing my throat and watching her catch her breath, the second she stood up straight I charged at her, jumping off the rope into a hurricanrana which was countered into a powerbomb, landing me in the turnbuckle, she then pinned me but cheated, hooking hr feet on the ropes, I tried to alert the ref or kick out but my body forbid me to do so.  She won a title match. But she wasn't done, she wanted to make a message clear, she wanted that title and she would do anything for it.

She put my almost unconscious body against a steel chair that she had brought into the ring, kicking me in the chest and making me fall off the chair. Seeing the redness forming on my neck gave her the idea that would really make me suffer. I found my body propped up against the corner of the ring, Shayna less than a foot away from me, holding the chair with a tight grip, I could faintly hear the ref screaming at her to stop but she didn't care, she drove the chair into my throat, I jolted forward, gasping for air, choking and trying to scream at the pain I was experiencing, she was dragged backstage by multiple officials, she was completely unhinged. I had medical surrounding me, removing my choker to relieve some of the pressure. I was crying, unable to scream or speak or alert them of the pain. I was already beginning to bruise on my neck and it took me a minute to stand up again. After being  handed back my title and instead of basking in the cheers I climbed out of the ring and made my way backstage to a very worried rhea right there in the wings....

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu