New beginnings

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"syd-" I felt demi take my hand and pull me away from my mother and point at a nurse. I ran over as quickly as possible "my sister? Is she alright?" I asked, my worry taking over. "Yes. She's asking for you." I immediately ran over to the maternity bay and found the room where my sister lay. "Ami! Are you alright?!" I said dropping down next to her bed, I watched her laugh and nod before pointing over to my nephew. "He's alright?" I asked, looking back at her. She nodded weakly, she was tired. "What's his name?" I said, smiling at my newborn nephew. "Xavier. Xavier Zachary Davidson. Zachary after our-" "grandfather. Yeah, I know. It's cute. Suits him." I smiled, she returned the smile, but I knew she was exhausted.

"Hey. Me and mom, we had an argument. You're not going home with her. Come back with me. I can pull some strings and get you the apartment next to mine. It's 2 bed fully furnished, probably not the most comfortable but I'll sort it." I said, holding onto her hand. She nodded and replied "okay. I can't go home tonight. You can pick me up in the morning..." I slowly nodded as my sister dozed off into slumber. A nurse came in to notify that visiting hours were now over and I would need to leave. I was lead out to the main waiting area and given over to demi. "You ready?" She asked me, to which I nodded in response.

On the drive home I made a call to the landowner about my sister's living conditions and made a deposit to secure that apartment for her, she didn't have to worry about listening to my mom anymore. It didn't take long to get home, and it was weird stepping into the apartment again. She had kept things tidy, the dogs were happy to see me and I wasn't sure what it was, but something had changed in the apartment. She lead me to our bedroom and opened the door, fresh sheets, clean room, half empty, like I had left it. "Stay in here, I'll be in the spare room, if you need anything, just let me know." She said from the doorway. I nodded at her and right before she left "what's changed, in the living room, something has changed but I can't point what it is." I asked. She chuckled "then you're not looking hard enough, Syd there's a completely different coffee table in the middle of the room. Ours kinda... Broke" by that she meant she broke it, I didn't really care though, it was cheap. "Well sorry that I'm tired." I said in a sarcastic tone,she laughed and stepped back into the room.

Inching closer ever so slightly, she took hold of my hand, I didn't move at first, but when I realised it, I pulled away from her. An audible sigh came From her direction "what's wrong?" I said turning back around. She shrugged her shoulders "I guess I thought that maybe we could still be a thing. Guess not." She began to leave and in those few seconds my heart began to burn, as if it was screaming at me to stop her. I fought it but it only grew stronger until "wait." I cracked. I slowly walked over to her, "look. Breaking up with you has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done. And believe you me, I'm not over it. But it is so hard to just go back to what we were." Tears stung my eyes, clouding my vision slightly and I could still see her fighting back tears if her own. "We both made it very clear that we are not ready for a relationship, and you might be better, refreshed, but I'm not and its gonna take me some time to get used to this." I paused for a minute after hearing my voice beginning to crack, only to find her hand holding mine once again.

"I know. I know how hard it is for you, I don't understand it, but I can see it. I can see that it's killing right now to not immediately bounce back, I get that. Don't rush. I was just.... Testing where we stood, that's it. Goodnight Sydney." I stopped her once more before she left "that's not to say that I'm not open to starting all the way from the beginning. Restart it all. A new beginning, of sorts. Go on a date or two, a proper date, not one that'll cause an argument." I laughed, earning a smile from her. "Go right back to the beginning and see if we work out better the second time around..." My sentence came to a stop and I waited for an answer, in silence, hoping that it would be positive. "All the way back to the beginning huh?" She finally said, breaking the building tension in the room. I nodded at her and caught the small smile on her face. "okay... Hi." She held out her hand and I just stared in confusion. "I'm you're roommate Demi. Demi Bennett. We work together. I hope we can be really good friends" I laughed at her introduction to me, it was cute.

I looked at her hand for a moment before shaking it "I'm syd- Sydney. Davidson. I've seen you at work before. I think we will have a match soon. I hope we're friends too. It's nice to meet you, demi." I watched the smile on her face grow and the butterflies in my stomach began to flutter as my heart pounded harder and harder. It was really like we had pressed a reset button and now I was beginning to fall in love with her again. We held eye contact for a while and I began to sense that she felt the same. "Well goodnight Sydney, not to be rude but you look pretty tired right now. No offense." She finally said, breaking up the moment. I sighed "none taken. It's been a very stressful day. Goodnight, Demi." I smiled as she left the room, sitting back on the bed for the first time in weeks.

Maybe this could work.. I thought to myself, I was kind of worried about facing her now. I knew what I had to do but I didn't know if I had the guts to do it. Temptation got the better of me, laying in bed where she had slept, the sheets still smelled of the sweet rose oil that hinted in her perfume. I missed it. Sleeping next to her. And I wasn't now, but I was a few steps closer than I was.

God I hope this works... 

~𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now